How to: Find a new job

Looking for a new job? You’ve come to the right place…

It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to jobseeking, you’re looking for a career change, or you’ve been on the hunt for a while – finding the right role isn’t always easy. Especially if you don’t know how (or where) to look.

We’ve already covered job search dos and don’ts, but here’s our step-by-step guide to finding a new job:


Figure out what you want to do

OK, so you’re sure you need a new job – but what is it that you actually want to do?

Whether you’re looking to progress onto a more senior role, you want to start a graduate scheme, you need to change careers, or you’re just looking for a change of scenery – it’ll all inform your job search.

And if you’re struggling to figure out what you want? Consider how your skills, interests, and priorities match up with the typical duties you’d find in a certain job – taking into account factors like location, working hours, and salary.

Once you’re sure of what you want to do, you can create a list of all the potential job titles to incorporate into your search.

How to choose a career

What job would suit me

Look in the right places

The easiest and most effective way to find a role is by using a job board.

Not only will they allow you to upload your CV and start applying for vacancies instantly – but some will also have responsive sites and mobile apps available, meaning you can search for jobs wherever you are.

Additionally, registering with a recruitment consultancy is another great way to find work – especially if you’re looking in a specific sector. This approach will also allow you to get one-to-one advice from a consultant.

Or, if you’re keen on working for a particular employer, but they aren’t currently hiring – you can reach out to them directly using a speculative cover letter.

Networking, local newspapers, and social media can also be great tools for finding the right job.

How do recruitment agencies work?


Write (and/or refresh) your CV

Even if you already have a CV, it’s vital to spend some time making sure it’s up-to-date before you start your job search.

Because although you’ll still need to tailor it to each role you apply for, having the basics covered (e.g. formatting, layout, and your most recent work history/skills), will make this process much easier.

Whether you use a CV template, go for a more creative CV layout, or start from scratch after figuring out how to write a CV – you’ll be on the right track to impressing future employers.

Just make sure it’s short, succinct, and relevant.

Any longer than 2 sides of A4, and you run the risk of rambling (and/or boring the recruiter with your life story).

How to write a CV

Five ways to refresh your CV


Build your online presence

Building your own professional brand is a great way to stand out to recruiters.

Potential opportunities to sell yourself include writing your own blog, sharing any events or conventions you attend on social media, or connecting with useful contacts in your industry.

Not only does this give off a positive impression, it also helps to back up any skills, abilities, and experience you’ve mentioned in your application.

And, if you’re looking for work in the creative industries in particular, showcasing examples your work online is often a must-have when it comes to proving your skills.

Just make sure you’re not painting yourself in the wrong light; because over sharing can be a potential turn-off to employers.

Remember: privacy settings are there for a reason.

Social media: How to make your profiles recruiter-safe

Five ways social media is costing you the job


 Tailor your applications

Once you’ve figured out what you want to do and where you’re going to look, it’s time to start applying for roles.

Firstly, make sure you’re searching in the most effective way – whether it’s through broadening or restricting your search, alternating the job titles you search for, or introducing boolean strategies.

Then, once you’ve found a role you’re interested in – make an effort to sell yourself, through carefully tailored applications. This means using the job description to highlight your most relevant skills and experience in your CV and cover letter.

Because although sending the same ones every time might save you time, it’s far less likely to impress an employer. It also won’t prove your suitability.

Job search: Dos and don’ts

How to search for jobs online


Check back daily

Searching for a job can be a time consuming task.

Not only do you have to spend time searching for the right role and submitting a good application, you also have to wait to hear back from recruiters.

But instead of putting all your faith into one vacancy or waiting around to get a call back – it’s vital to keep your search moving. Especially because new jobs are added every day, and submitting an application quickly is vital if you want to beat the competition.

All it takes is a quick check in to job sites, employer websites, and social media pages daily to make sure you’re in the loop.

And, if you’re registered to – you can used your saved searches to set up job alert emails, giving you immediate access to the latest jobs.

Why haven’t they called? The importance of asking for feedback

Four ways to follow-up after an application

Prepare for the interview

Great news: you’ve been invited to interview.

But how do you prepare?

Aside from figuring out what type of interview you’re attending (whether it’s phone, video, group, or one-on-one), it’s also key to research the company, role, and potential questions you’ll be asked.

To find out more about what you should do, here are our top tips on how to prepare for an interview


Still searching for your perfect position? View all available jobs now

One thought on “How to: Find a new job

  1. Stuart Banks - January 4, 2018 at 20:21

    One of the best ways I have found with the job application process is to be prepared for the expected and the unexpected. If you look at the process as a progression of: 1. I know what I`m good at (skills set from work experience knowledge and achievements). 2. I know what my standards and values in life are and how that makes me a reliable and trustworthy person who embraces and is adaptable to successful change. 3. I know what and where I want my career to develop and progress in order to achieve longevity in employment, sufficient reward and the correct, work / life balance. 4. I am seeking an employer who wants this person and provides the challenge of achieving my vision, mission and contractual reward by faithfully adhering to its covenant as my success within the job opportunity increases the sales, market share and profit margins of the business. With all of these objectives in mind it`s best to prepare a portfolio of your skills set from work experience knowledge and achievements in order to marry the relationship you want to form with your new, potential employer against their vision, mission and business objectives at interview using a zip-up, laptop bag and 3 internal plastic document wallets containing a. The companies business history, its vision, mission and objectives. b. Your latest and most concise letter of introduction, C.V. and endorsements of relevant achievements. c. A concise employment record of how you work, the way you work with the greater value added worth you can bring to this, the next job role in your successful career.
