Average Engineer salary in the UK

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Average Salary
The Average Engineer salary in the UK is £42,721
Low £27,172
High £100,051
Low £27,172
High £100,051
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Jobs in Reed.co.uk, ranging from £27,172 to £100,051.
Jobs that pay more than the average (£42,721).
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Top-paying locations for Engineer jobs

Location Average salary Salary range Jobs
£107,250 £107,250 - £107,250 1
£76,760 £10,500 - £877,500 82
£73,004 £23,000 - £136,500 30
£60,364 £22,501 - £505,000 84
£60,192 £13 - £950,625 5,675
£59,455 £25,000 - £352,500 163
£58,751 £16,850 - £195,000 93
£58,549 £13,680 - £130,000 228
£58,004 £23,839 - £136,500 16
£57,965 £325 - £299,000 539