14 random acts of kindness to help you Love Mondays

14 random acts of kindness to help you Love Mondays

‘No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.’

When you’re having a bad day at the office, keeping your morale high can be a challenge. In fact, depending on just how bad your day is going, even ensuring the personal safety of anyone you come into contact with might seem like an uphill struggle. But what if we told you there was a simple solution? Random acts of kindness.

Whether you’re on the giving or receiving end, these small gestures could be enough to turn your whole day around. To prove it, here are 14 random acts of kindness that helped the world Love Mondays:

1. The guy who turned out the lights

Not all dishonesty

2. The conscientious commuter who paid for a stranger’s tyres


3. The staff at this Subway, who don’t put a price on feeding needy people


4. The Window Cleaners at this children’s hospital


5. The people paying professional-looking compliments

attractive people

6. The pilot who provided his delayed passengers with free pizza


7. The thoughtful postman who left notes with the mail to help brighten peoples’ days

Postman Pal

8. The people working at this branch of Timpsons who helped their community get suited and booted


9. Dan


10. Rob


11. Your friendly neighbourhood Gilligan 

Rear Window

12. This magnanimous vending machine user


13. The good people of Sainsbury’s


14. The umbrella-holding hero

Umbrella (ella, ella, eh)

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