£24m raised as part of #ChristmasChallenge21

It’s been another challenging year.

The charity industry has continued to be affected by the global pandemic, and the amount of people in need has risen throughout 2021. So, with so many out there in need of support this Christmas (and beyond), it’s become more important than ever for charities to secure funding to help keep their incredible causes alive.

Luckily, the Big Give #ChristmasChallenge21 – and all of you – helped many of them end the year with a bang.


What was #ChristmasChallenge21?  

The Big Give is the UK’s leading online match funding platform, bringing charities, philanthropists and the public together to multiply the impact of their donations.

Every year, they run the UK’s largest matched funding campaign – the Christmas Challenge. More than 900 charities took part in 2021, and those who donated saw their contributions DOUBLED.

This year, the challenge ran from the 30th of November, up until the 7th of December. 


How much was raised?  

We’re pleased to announce that the campaign raised a record-breaking £24.1m for the 928 charities that took part. 

Additionally, an astonishing 85% of the charities reached their fundraising targets too. 

Projects spanned everything from helping to provide clean water and better sanitation in Africa, to helping children deal with the effects of the pandemic in London, the arts, education and more.


What’s next? 

OK, so the Christmas Challenge is over for another year. But that doesn’t mean there are no other opportunities to give to great causes.

The Big Give will continue to raise money for their charities throughout 2022, with match funding campaigns set up throughout the year. Whether it’s to deal with a global disaster, the continuing effects of the pandemic, or just to help raise badly needed funds for those in the charity sector.

Remember: charity is not just for Christmas.   


Finally…thank you

#ChristmasChallenge21 would not have been the record-breaking success it was without your support. 

The money you’ve helped raise will make a huge difference to thousands of people right across the world, at one of the times that they need our support the most. 

So, from all of us at Reed.co.uk, we’d like to say a very heartfelt thank you. We can’t wait to see what we can achieve together in 2022. 

So thanks again, stay safe, and have a very Merry Christmas. 



To find out more about the incredible work the Big Give does, visit the Big Give site now