Why choose an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are officially on the rise…

In fact, vacancies for apprentices have risen by 15% over the last year, and applications have increased by almost a third. So, why are so many people in the UK turning to apprenticeships over more traditional career paths? It’s all about the benefits.

Here are five reasons why an apprenticeship could be right for you:


  1. You can earn while your learn

As an apprentice, you get to work alongside experienced staff who will help you to develop job-specific skills – and earn a wage at the same time.

Although there is no set amount, employers are legally obliged to ensure you are paid at least the National Minimum Wage – and many employers pay more.

The average you can expect to take home each week will be £170 and in some jobs it may be as much as £210 per week. And as your skills continue to develop, your earnings will increase too.


  1. You gain practical and relevant work experience

Every apprenticeship scheme is designed by the Sector Skills Council, with the help of employers within your chosen industry.

This means that it’s structured in a way that ensures you’ll learn and develop the key skills needed to do the job well.

Most of your time will be spent learning ‘on-the-job’ and the remainder of your time will be spent doing ‘off-the-job’ training on day release. This is when you’ll study additional elements which will be useful in the job you are currently doing, whilst helping to prepare you for your next job, the one after that, and the one after that.


  1. You’ll automatically boost your career prospects

Because each apprenticeship scheme is tailored around the needs of the employer, you’ll gain invaluable experience, and develop the key skills that employers within that industry really want.

Not only will it make you an attractive prospect for future employers, it will also help you enhance your longer term career prospects and earning potential.

So whether you find something long-term at the company you’re working for, or you want to move on to another role within the industry, your apprenticeship will add value to every application.


  1. You’ll achieve sought-after qualifications

It isn’t just practical skills and experience that you’ll gain during your apprenticeship – in most cases, you’ll also be able to back them up with a respected qualification.

For some industries, these sector-specific certifications will be even more valuable than a gaining a relevant degree, and a much better indication that you’ll be able to hit the ground running.

And even if you decide to move on to a completely different role, you’ll still have something to show for the time your spent studying.


  1. You’ll avoid student loans

A student leaving university will face anything between £30,000 and £60,000 of student loan debt, which they’ll have to start paying back as soon as they reach a reasonable salary.

As an apprentice, the Government covers the entire cost of your training. There aren’t any additional fees to pay, and you actually start earning a real salary straight away – rather than depending on borrowing money to complete your studies.

No tuition fees. No monthly repayments. No more excuses.


Feel like an apprenticeship is the right option for you? View all available apprenticeships now.