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How to become a Games Tester

Games Tester

Career progression and salary expectations for a Games Tester


Games Tester

| Up to £20,000

Lead Tester

| Up to £30,000

Game Developer

| Up to £35,000

The role of a Games Tester

Are you most comfortable with a controller in your hands? You should be a Games Tester…A Game Tester’s job is to test the latest games for bugs and glitches before they’re released. This involves repeating the same level for hours or even days at a time, playing out every possible scenario and ensuring that all eventualities have been experienced before the game goes live.Typical duties for a Games Tester include:
  • Playing a game, or single level of a game, performing hundreds of different scenarios to test for any bugs or glitches
  • Investigating any bugs which have previously been reported
  • Writing up specific details on each bug, so they can be looked at in greater detail
  • Checking all in-game copy for spelling, grammar or formatting mistakes
  • Providing any feedback or suggestions for improvement to the relevant departments
Aside from natural gaming ability (definitely a thing) and a passion for every platform, you will need patience and excellent problem-solving skills to become a Games Tester.The ability to work under pressure and to strict deadlines is also a necessity, especially when testing games prior to a big release.Other key skills include:
  • Excellent attention to detail
  • A methodical approach to your work
  • The ability to work well individually, and maintain focus
  • A good knowledge of the latest developments and gaming news
  • The ability to complete all levels of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is not essential, but would be incredibly impressive
"I've been playing computer games pretty much my whole life (thanks Sega Mega Drive), but never thought I could turn it into a career. Being a Games Tester is great. The hours are long and the job can be repetitive at times, but I actually get paid to play games and tell developers how to make them better. For me, that’s as good as it gets."

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