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How to become an Aerospace Engineer

Aerospace Engineer

Career progression and salary expectations for an Aerospace Engineer


Aerospace Engineer

| Up to £40,000

Aerospace Project Leader

| Up to £50,000

The role of an Aerospace Engineer

Head in the clouds? You should be an Aerospace Engineer…Aerospace Engineers design, build and test aircraft, ranging from commercial and passenger jets through to types of military aircraft and weapons systems.In its broadest sense, the work of an Aerospace Engineer could also include the design, manufacturing and maintenance of certain spacecraft and satellites.Day-to-day responsibilities may vary depending on specialism, but typical duties for an Aerospace Engineer could include:Typical duties for an Aerospace Engineer include:
  • Supervising the design and manufacture of aircraft
  • Testing prototypes to check they function correctly and safely
  • Analysing testing data
  • Developing new technologies for use in defence systems or satellites
  • Ensuring that all projects meet pre-determined quality and health and safety guidelines
Interest and expertise in aircraft and flight technology, and a natural aptitude for science are essential for those looking to become Aerospace Engineers.Other key skills include:
    • Excellent mathematical skills
    • A methodical approach to your work, with focus and attention to detail
    • Problem-solving
    • Excellent interpersonal communication skills
    • A high regard for health and safety
"After graduating with a degree in Aerodynamics, I started working in the industry as an intern with a major airline. It was really competitive to get in to, and the work was challenging, but I really learned a lot. After completing my internship, I was offered a full-time position, and I couldn't be happier. Everyday I get to help design the very latest in flight technology, and get paid for it. For me, it doesn't get much better than that."

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