Seven reasons you should start an apprenticeship

Thinking about an apprenticeship?

Whether you’ve recently finished school, or you’re just looking to start a new profession – an apprenticeship is a great way to expand on your skills and experience, whilst working towards an industry-specific qualification. But how can you tell if an apprenticeship is right for you?

We’ve already covered how to get started with an apprenticeship, but to make you aware of the benefits, here are seven reasons you should start an apprenticeship:


You’ll get to pick from a range of opportunities 

Although apprenticeships are commonly linked to fields like plumbing and construction – they’re actually available in almost every industry.

Not only does this allow you to choose from a range of opportunities, it also makes it easier for you to start your dream role without committing to years of academic study.

And it doesn’t matter how old you are either. Apprenticeships are open to anyone over the age of 16, and there’s no maximum limit to when you can get started.

So whether you’re keen on pursuing a career in media or marketing, you’re interested in fashion and beauty, or your strengths lie in health and care – there’s an apprenticeship out there for everyone.

Other popular industries for apprenticeship include:

  • Retail
  • Hospitality & catering
  • Technology
  • Public services
  • Engineering & manufacturing
  • Education
  • Agriculture & animal care

Five apprenticeships you may not have considered

Apprenticeships for school leavers


You’ll gain a qualification

Although you’ll spend a lot of your apprenticeship on-the-job, that doesn’t mean you won’t get to learn.

In fact, with most apprenticeships allocating at least one day a week to work towards gaining a qualification, they’re the perfect opportunity to build on your knowledge and prove your skillset to future employers.

The type of qualification you’ll get will vary depending on the level of apprenticeship you take – with anything from GCSE equivalents to degree-level certifications well within your reach.

To find out more about what you could gain and their equivalents, here are the types of apprenticeships you could take.

Advanced apprenticeships: What you need to know

Higher apprenticeships: What you need to know

Levels of education: What do they mean


You’ll earn while you learn

Apprenticeships are a great way to gain practical experience.

Not only will you avoid the usual costs of studying, you’ll also be earning a wage as an employee – making you eligible for other perks and benefits offered by the company.

Minimum wage starts at £4.81 per hour for apprentices, but most will earn significantly more than this – with salaries varying depending on your industry and employer. And as your skills grow, so does your earning potential.

By combining learning with an income – apprenticeships give you the best of both worlds.


You’ll get on-the-job experience

Looking for work experience, but don’t know where to start?

Don’t panic. An apprenticeship is the perfect way to start your career with a boost, allowing you to gain relevant work experience straight away (something you wouldn’t necessarily have time for if you studied for a qualification full-time).

And as many employers consider work experience a prerequisite – the skills and abilities you gain from an apprenticeship will undoubtedly improve your employability.

Applying for apprenticeships


You’ll get guidance and support

Apprenticeships offer a high level of training and guidance.

And although they emulate a full-time job in many ways, that doesn’t mean you’ll be thrown in at the deep end – or expected to know everything straight away. Not only will you be offered training schemes catered to you, you’ll also receive tailored help and guidance throughout.

Many employers also provide support to help you with your career after your apprenticeship – whether it’s by offering CV advice or interview tips.


You’ll build a network of contacts

While you carry out your apprenticeship, you’ll have the opportunity to network within your industry.

By building relationships throughout your experience, you’ll be able to utilise your contacts to shape your career – both in the short and long term. To stand out, always demonstrate your determination clearly – whether it’s by being proactive with your workload or putting the most into your learning.

Using this time wisely is essential, and making positive connections could even help guarantee you a job after your apprenticeship ends.

What is networking?


You’ll improve your career prospects

The bottom line is: an apprenticeship will improve your career options.

Aside from teaching you a range of skills and abilities, it also helps you to build a career in the field you’re passionate about. In fact, as apprenticeships are geared towards a particular industry or role, they could lead directly into a job.

And with the right attitude and dedication to the job, you’ll undoubtedly be able to progress within your field after your apprenticeship.

What are the career prospects for apprenticeships?

Apprenticeships: How to get started


Still searching for your perfect apprenticeship? View all available apprenticeships now