Five ways to brighten up your workplace

Whatever job you do, your place of work needs to be somewhere you can feel both comfortable and productive.

Your workstation is not merely a place to perform the tasks required to get paid, it’s often seen as an extension of you. And with most of us spending an average of 40 hours a week at work, we think it’s important to make the most of what you’ve got.

Feel it’s time to add some personality? We may not be interior design professionals, but these are five of our favourite ways to spruce up your office…


5. Feng shui

For any office makeover, it’s important to de-clutter and de-stress. How can you expect to increase your workflow, if your work space doesn’t flow…?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art, which could take years to master. If all else fails, just rotate everything by 90 degrees and hope for the best.

Unleash the Ch’i.


4. Go green

What better way to liven up your worn-out workstation than by adding a plant or two. A delicate lotus or a couple of cacti, and you’ll be the talk of the office.

If you’re a beginner, you could always get an artificial one and start from there. Let’s face it: who doesn’t like a shrubbery?

Just be careful not to get too attached. Not all plants respond well to fluorescent lighting and/or air conditioning.


3. Find a theme

Spend all day wishing you were somewhere else?

Well, now you can be. Just scatter a bit of sand over your desk, don a Hawaiian shirt, drink your tea from half a coconut and hey presto, instant beach (tie optional).

More of a cowboy or cowgirl at heart? No worries. Add a few wanted posters and a majestic hat, and pretty soon you’ll feel like the John Wayne of the workplace.

Warning: not advisable for hot-desking or short-term temp jobs.


2. Accessorise

Three letters to remember if you need to brighten up your desk: U. S. B.

Whatever your own personal taste, there is a gadget out there available to bring your workspace into the twenty first century.

Whether it’s a plug-and-play portable rocket launcher, or a digital desktop aroma diffuser, the possibilities are endless (although admittedly dependent on how many USB sockets your computer has).


1. Get inspired

People draw their inspiration from a number of different places.

It could be art, pictures of loved ones, certificates from those bookkeeping courses you completed, or anything else that resonates with you. Not only will they motivate you to get your head down, they’re also a great conversation starter (should you be particularly bad at starting conversations).

If you’re not really into art, why not try adorning your walls with some inspirational words of wisdom? If nothing else, at least they make you look philosophical.

Life really is like a box of chocolates…


Honourable mentions: Take carpet up, put carpet down, add pictures of your pets, add pictures of yourself.



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One thought on “Five ways to brighten up your workplace

  1. Andy Baptist - February 28, 2019 at 18:04

    I have green stuff on my desk already, I think it may be the Wagon Wheel I misplaced in September.

