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Working at GPS Return

What we do

At GPS Return we put you first. Surprising isn't it.

Possibly not. We’re sure you’ll have heard it before from other recruiters. What is surprising is that we actually do it.

Whether you are a Mum or Dad returning to work or a working parent looking for a role that offers more flexibility, we are here to help you every step of the way.

With more than 20 years’ recruitment experience in the UK and overseas, working for some of the world’s largest and most prestigious recruitment companies, we’ve learnt some incredible things. But the people we continuously learn the most from are the hiring managers and job seekers we work with every single day.

But more important than all of this is that We Are Parents Too.

As a parent, making the decision to go back to work can be a very stressful one and there are a lot of things to consider. Although you have taken a career break and are currently ‘just’ a full-time parent, you know you still have so much to offer but the feedback from some companies and recruiters has dented your confidence.

But don't worry, we are here to help.

GPS Return was set up because our founder – Miranda Gregory – shared that same experience and realised that it was about time someone did something to help full-time parents return to work.

Our aim is to give you all the advice, confidence and encouragement you need to return to work and, to ultimately help you find the right job. Not only do we provide personalised advice, we also run workshops and provide coaching on a range of topics and all designed to help you go back to work.

On top of this, GPS Return works with employers to educate them on the benefits of hiring returning parents and how promoting a flexible work environment is a win-win for everyone.

For more information on how we can help or if you would like to hear about our workshops and coaching please just give us a call.

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