Lorna Whiston Preschool Education Pte Ltd Logo

Working at Lorna Whiston Preschool Education Pte Ltd

What we do

Established in 1980, Lorna Whiston has built a reputation for high-quality education and teaching excellence across Singapore with our heritage preschools. Accepting children from three to six years old, we are committed to providing a safe and stimulating bilingual learning environment where children are happy, motivated and eager to learn.

Lorna Whiston Preschools is located in two convenient locations, offering easy access for families across the island and flexible programmes from 7am to 7pm on weekdays and Saturday mornings. Both locations have been carefully selected to ensure a safe and conducive environment for learning, either in the woody idyllic and woody environment of Winchester or the visually stunning riverside site of Kallang Wave Mall.

Transforming Lives Through Learning

Connect with Lorna Whiston Preschool Education Pte Ltd