RAD Human Resources Logo

Working at RAD Human Resources

What we do

RAD Human Resources provides candidates with the support and guidance to present their profile in a clear and concise manner. This helps our clients to make quicker and better informed decisions, improving both time and quality of hire.

Based in London with associates working across East Anglia/South East and mainland Europe, we partner with our clients to help them secure quality candidates in a highly cost and time effective manner. We consider the traditional multi-agency contingency recruitment model not fit for purpose in terms of service, commitment, value and most importantly delivering the best candidate. This is why we strive to develop exclusive relationships, where we can deliver the most value and best experience for all parties involved in the process.

Our history

We started our journey in 2010, initially focussing on our specialism within the HR Recruitment sector. During this time have been fortunate to work with a wide range of clients, in a diverse range of industry sectors and through this interaction with the HR community we have been approached on many occasions to support our HR contacts with a number of assignments across their wider commercial, sales and technical functions.

We found that due to advances in technology, there was no longer a need for a candidate database and that the real ‘skill’ of recruitment is not in finding the people to contact; it is how to attract them to the role and company. Our team enjoy a depth of experience across a number of sectors and have been able to use this experience to successfully complete assignments within Finance, Product Management, Sales/Marketing, IT and Graduate/Early Career.

In 2018, we formed a team of highly experienced Associate Recruiters, who will allow us to build on this experience and provide highly effective recruitment solutions across the full range of Commercial, Technical and Sales functions.

Our model works best with organisations that do not have the requirement for an in-house strategic recruitment function. We fill that gap on an assignment by assignment basis. We enjoy supporting both Senior Management and HR teams with the delivery of a highly professional and effective recruitment service. We have significant experience within the HR sector and so have a strong appreciation of best practice and thrive off our role as your trusted Recruitment Partner.