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Working at Searchability

What we do

Founded in 2012 in the UK, Searchability set out to disrupt the traditional recruitment market and do things a little differently to help companies attract the very best tech talent.

Today our teams operate across four global territories (UK, Europe, USA, and Australia) working across our unique full-service recruitment ecosystem (or RECOsystem as we like to call it) that provides customers solutions across every stage of their hiring / career journey.

Whether you are looking for a permanent or a contract role, our expert recruiters will work closely with you to find a career move that works for you, considering everything from environment, culture, benefits, projects and more. We work with some of the most exciting companies in the UK, USA, Europe and Australia from tech start-ups to global brands, so if you would like to know more about our opportunities then get in touch today!

To be the global authority on tech recruiting

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