Ysgol Bryn Elian Logo

Working at Ysgol Bryn Elian

  • Company size
    100–249 employees
  • Sector

What we do

What the Company does (up to 3500 characters) Ysgol Bryn Elian is an 11-18 school with approximately 1000 pupils on roll, 160 of whom are 6th formers. The school serves the community to the East of Colwyn Bay, comprising Old Colwyn, Llanddulas, Llysfaen and surrounding areas. In addition, a significant number of pupils travel to the school from outside its immediate catchment area. The overwhelming majority of pupils come from English-speaking homes.

Our philosophy is based on a commitment to helping pupils achieve to their full potential. This is summarised in our motto: "Achievement for All/Llwyddiant I Bawb". We look, therefore, to recruit staff who are willing to contribute to the wider school community and to share their enthusiasms and expertise to the benefit of all the pupils.

What you'll get

  • FinancialGenerous Pension Scheme
  • Health & well-beingMedical Cash Plan