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How to become a Food Critic

Food Critic

Career progression and salary expectations for a Food Critic


Food Critic

| Up to £18,000

The role of a Food Critic

Looking for a career with a little more flavour (and/or terrible puns)? You should become a Food Critic…

Food Critics test a variety of dishes and drinks at restaurants and cafés, using their experiences to create written (or video) reviews. Their first-hand evaluations take into account a number of factors – including the food quality and presentation, atmosphere, and level of service – and could be the deciding factor for those looking to visit a certain restaurant or order a particular dish.

Although full-time work is also possible, Food Critics generally work on a freelance basis, providing articles for a range of mediums, from newspapers and magazines, to websites and blogs.

General duties for a Food Critic include:

  • Creating original and engaging copy to effectively represent a restaurant
  • Reviewing food presentation, flavour, serving size, and quality accurately
  • Working flexibly and meeting deadlines
  • Using photography to accompany reviews
  • Keeping up-to-date with typical restaurant processes and practices
  • Attending launches and promotional events
Aside from an interest in eating all kinds of cuisine, Food Critics will need the ability to distinguish between individual tastes, textures, and flavours – whether it’s noticing a delicate hint of lemon in a pasta dish, or tasting the distinct qualities of crispy lettuce and grilled beef on a soft brioche bun (also known as a burger).

As a Food Critic’s role is to accurately represent the food and drink they’re testing, excellent creative writing abilities are also a must. Not only will your reviews need to be descriptive and accurate, you’ll also need to successfully engage the reader.

N.B. Fussy eaters need not apply…

A Food Critic will also need:

  • Flexibility in terms of working hours and location
  • Time management skills
  • An ability to meet deadlines
  • An expressive writing style
  • Knowledge of best restaurant practices
  • Discretion and objectivity
"Being a Food Critic is a fun – but it isn’t just about the eating (although that is my favourite part). I work freelance, and finding well-paid work often comes down to building up good connections. When I first started writing, I didn’t get paid for the articles I’d produce, and it was more about getting some tangible experience to prove my skills. Now, I’ve established a rapport with enough people to be guaranteed regular reviews for a local magazine, as well as an online food blog that covers my area. I love writing, and I love food – so I can’t fault it. Except when I have to try offal…"

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