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How to become a UX Designer

UX Designer

Career progression and salary expectations for a UX Designer


Junior UX Designer

| Up to £25,000

UX Designer

| Up to £40,000

Senior UX Designer

| Up to £45,000

The role of a UX Designer

Not satisfied with how things around you work? Enjoy puzzles? Comic sans not your type? You should become a UX Designer…UX (User Experience) Designers use various forms of user testing and an in-depth knowledge of visual design to create, modify, and improve the overall look and feel of computer interfaces, taking into account both functionality and aesthetics.Their aim is to make each stage of a user’s journey logical and easy to navigate, in order to generate a positive human-computer interaction – whether it’s via a computer, TV, mobile phone, or tablet.There are typically three types of UX Designers, all focusing on different aspects of design and covering a range of disciplines. These include Interaction Designers, Information Designers, and Visual Designers.General duties for a UX Designer could include:
  • Discussing requirements with clients and lead designers
  • Carrying out market/user research and testing
  • Finding effective ways to incorporate new features into an interface
  • Suggesting possible changes or improvements with the user in mind
  • Supporting and presenting ideas and scenarios with storyboards, wireframes, and user modelling personas
  • Using design software such as Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, InVision etc.
  • Keeping up-to-date with trends in interaction design and technology
Aside from a working knowledge of design software and user-centred methodologies, a UX Designer will also need to be able to demonstrate excellent drawing skills and an ability to conceptualise ideas effectively.Because of the user-focussed nature of the role, you’ll additionally need to be intuitive and able to figure out what people want out of a product. This requires skills in researching and usability testing, along with a knowledge of core psychology principles.A UX Designer will also need to have:
  • Project management skills
  • Self-motivation
  • An ability to communicate in written, spoken, and visual forms
  • Excellent team working abilities
  • Skills in time management and meeting deadlines
  • A good attention to detail
  • An ability to solve problems effectively
"Being a UX Designer means I get to use my creative ability in lots of different ways. My favourite part of the job is getting into the user’s mindset, and creating storyboards and scenarios to help figure out what kind of problems or issues someone using the product might face (it’s kind of like making comic books for a living). Then, I’m able to come up with a constructive solution. As with any position, it comes with stress, especially when the software isn’t being cooperative – but in this case, the pros definitely outweigh the cons."

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