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The Energetic Grid of the Earth

Certified Angel Healing Practitioner Diploma

by Academy of Ancient Magik

Course overview

Professional Angel Healing Practitioner Diploma Course, accredited by the International Association of Therapists.

  • 11 Modules
  • 63 Lessons
  • Certified Course
  • IAOTH Accredited Course
  • Online study
  • Tutor support
  • No time limit for completing your course
  • 150 hours of study

Connect with the angelic realm, complete the training so that you can offer paid for healings as an Angelic Healing Practitioner

(Please watch the free preview videos below)

This is an Extensive Professionally Recognised Training Course that will enable you to become an Angel Healing Practitioner and get insurance to practise.

Your course is externally certified and is accredited by the International Association of Therapists

The course is very thorough and covers the roles of the Angelic Realm in our lives as well as showing you how to connect with them and work with them. They are here now at this time to support humanity to shift their frequency as we have now entered the Age of Aquarius. More and more lightworkers are waking up and the angelic realm want to show us ways to work with them.

This healing modality was shown as a way of making that unique and powerful connection back to the light, it is our divine right to walk in the light as fully empowered, compassionate beings.

Once you make the step to becoming a lightworker the angelic realm take note, its like a light bulb lights in the heavenly realms and you are then supported in your journey for as long as you choose to be part of it.

The Angelic Realm cannot intervene unless they are asked so they have been waiting patiently for people like you to decide to make a difference in peoples lives. For that they honour you.

What Will You Learn?

  • We will show you how you can create your own Angel Healing Therapy business, explaining good practices for marketing and advertising, along with the ethics and insurance needed, as well as how you should present yourself in your practice.
  • You will learn about the angels themselves as well as how to connect with them
  • The ways in which Angel Healing Therapy works
  • How to start a business in this area as an Angel Healing Therapist
  • You will learn why the Angelic Realms want to connect with us at this time
  • Students will learn about the history of angels, as well as the different types of angels, and their hierarchy
  • The types of angels you can all upon and what they are responsible for
  • How to connect with your guardian angel
  • You will learn to recognise angel signs
  • Looking in more detail at the 4 watchtower archangels, and what their roles and responsibilities are and how angels may go about helping you
  • You will learn about angels and their favourite crystals

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We are team of professors, doctors and teachers who have many years of experience working with alternative modalities, who have come together to produce  training programmes that focus on... Read more