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Digital Marketing & Social Media Manager - Job Ready Program with Money Back Guarantee

Personalised Job Search Assistance, Expertly Crafted CV, Strategic Placement, Consultation Sessions & More



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£1,149 inc VAT (was £1,199)
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Offer ends 01 July 2024
Study method
3 months · Self-paced
Access to content
Lifetime access
No formal qualification
1000 CPD hours / points
  • CPD Accredited e-Certificate - Free
  • CPD Accredited Framed (Hardcopy) Certificate - Free
  • Enrolment Letter - Free
  • Student ID Card - Free
  • The Quality Licence Scheme Endorsed Certificate of Achievement - Free
Additional info
  • Exam(s) / assessment(s) is included in price
  • Tutor is available to students
  • Job guarantee programme is included in this course

2 students purchased this course

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Imagine a career where creativity meets strategy, and your digital presence makes a real impact. A career where you are not just a marketer but a storyteller, engaging audiences and driving results. If this sounds like the kind of career you're passionate about, then the Digital Marketing & Social Media Manager - Job Ready Program is the perfect opportunity for you.

At studyhub, we understand that breaking into the competitive world of digital marketing and social media management can be challenging, especially without prior experience. That's why we go above and beyond to equip you with the knowledge and guidance you need to excel. Our expert mentors are seasoned professionals in the field, ready to provide personalised one-on-one counselling sessions that cater to your unique needs.

But that's not all – we offer much more than just mentorship. Our program is designed to empower you with the essential tools to create a standout CV and portfolio that captures the attention of potential employers. We understand what employers are looking for, and we'll work with you to showcase your skills, creativity, and potential effectively.

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to your success. We don't stop supporting you until you secure a job in the dynamic field of digital marketing and social media management. We provide ongoing assistance, helping you navigate the job market, refine your interview skills, and connect with potential employers. We are your dedicated job and career support system, guiding you every step of the way.

Our mission is simple: To be your trusted partner and assist you every step of the way until you land the marketing job of your dreams.

Here are the 30 courses we will provide once you enrol in the program:

  • Course 01: Professional Digital Marketing Diploma
  • Course 02: Learn to Drive Traffic into Sales through Digital Marketing
  • Course 03: SEO - Search Engine Optimisation
  • Course 04: Advanced Training on SEO & SMM Strategies
  • Course 05: Content Marketing Certification
  • Course 06: Content Writing
  • Course 07: Certificate in SEO Content Writing
  • Course 08: Social Media Marketing Course -The Step by Step Guide
  • Course 09: Email Marketing Course
  • Course 10: Sales and Marketing: Email Marketing
  • Course 11: Unlocking the Power of Google Adwords for Digital Marketing
  • Course 12: Google Ads Training
  • Course 13: Facebook Marketing
  • Course 14: Instagram Marketing
  • Course 15: Affiliate Marketing
  • Course 16: Linkedin Marketing
  • Course 17: Youtube Marketing
  • Course 18: Social Media Influencer
  • Course 19: Youtube and Instagram Video Production
  • Course 20: Make a Wordpress WooCommerce Amazon Affiliate Store
  • Course 21: Build an Amazon Affiliate E-Commerce Store from Scratch
  • Course 22: Affiliate Marketing Business Essentials
  • Course 23: E-Commerce: Complete Guide to Income Mastery
  • Course 24: Blogging
  • Course 25: Determining Market Size for Your Product
  • Course 26: Simple Copywriting Secrets: How to Write Killer Sales Copy
  • Course 27: ChatGPT for Marketing Content and Productivity with AI Tools
  • Course 28: Lead Generation and Attraction Marketing Training
  • Course 29: Marketing Strategies for Business
  • Course 30: Brand Branding

Why Choose Us

  1. Money Back Guarantee: We believe in the effectiveness of our program. If you follow our guidance and do not secure a job within a specified period, we offer a money-back guarantee.

  2. Personalised Job Search Assistance: We're in this together! Our dedicated team will tirelessly support your entire job searching process, ensuring you have a compelling application that gets noticed.

  3. Expertly Crafted Portfolio: Your portfolio is your digital showcase. Our professional writers will create a customised portfolio highlighting your unique skills and experiences, maximising your chances of standing out among the competition.

  4. Strategic Placement: We understand the power of strategic exposure. We'll submit your portfolio to various platforms and networks, expanding your reach and connecting you with valuable opportunities aligned with your marketing career goals.

  5. One-On-One Consultation Sessions with Industry Experts: Gain invaluable insights and guidance from seasoned professionals who have excelled in the digital marketing and social media management field.

  6. Comprehensive Skill Development: Our program is designed to equip you with the most sought-after skills in the digital marketing and social media management sector, ensuring you have the knowledge and expertise to excel in any marketing-driven environment.

  7. Ongoing Support: The journey to your dream job doesn't end with placement. Our commitment to your success extends well beyond your initial training, with our support team available to answer your questions, provide guidance, and assist you as you progress in your marketing career.



CPD Accredited e-Certificate

Digital certificate - Included

CPD Accredited Framed (Hardcopy) Certificate

Hard copy certificate - Included

Enrolment Letter

Digital certificate - Included

Student ID Card

Digital certificate - Included

The Quality Licence Scheme Endorsed Certificate of Achievement

Hard copy certificate - Included


1000 CPD hours / points
Accredited by CPD Quality Standards

Course media


The Program is completed in 5 easy steps:

Step 1 – Enrol in the program and start learning from the courses we provide

Upon enrolment in the Digital Marketing & Social Media Manager - Job Ready Program, you gain lifetime access to 6 premium courses dedicated to honing your digital marketing and social media management skills. Our customer service team remains in constant contact with you, providing assistance at every step of your learning journey.

Step 2 – Complete your courses and get certifications

Upon completion of each course, you'll earn certifications through exams designed to test your knowledge. Achieving a 90% pass mark for the initial course and 80% for subsequent relevant courses is required. Once successful, you'll receive hardcopy certificates, solidifying your expertise in the field.

Step 3 – Get a consultation session from a professional Marketing expert

Elevate your Digital Marketing & Social Media Manager skills with a personalised one-on-one consultation session led by an industry-seasoned professional. Gain insights, expert tips, and tailored advice to propel your marketing career forward.

Step 4 – Complete the CV and attend the interview

Armed with your certifications, our team of professionals will craft a compelling CV and LinkedIn profile tailored to your unique strengths. Armed with these powerful tools, you'll confidently tackle job interviews, launching your career with a starting salary ranging from £30,000 to £50,000 annually.

Step 5 – We will not leave you until you get a job

Our commitment to your success goes beyond completion. We stand by your side, offering personalised support, expert guidance, and unwavering dedication until you secure your dream job. Your job search becomes our mission, ensuring you have the best chance for a thriving career in Digital Marketing & Social Media Management.

Don't let your dream career as a Digital Marketing & Social Media Manager remain out of reach. Focus on developing your skills – finding a job is our task! Join our Job Ready Program today, and let us be your trusted partner on your journey to success.

Why Choose Us: Money Back Guarantee

We believe in the effectiveness of our program. If you follow our guidance and do not secure a job within a specified period, we offer a money-back guarantee. Trust us to be your dedicated partner in achieving your dream job in the dynamic world of Digital Marketing & Social Media Management.

Detailed Curriculum

  • Course 01: Professional Digital Marketing Diploma Comprehensive digital marketing fundamentals covering SEO, social media, email, and content strategies. Learn to craft effective campaigns, analyze data, and create impactful online presence.
  • Course 02: Learn to Drive Traffic into Sales through Digital Marketing Explore advanced tactics to boost website traffic and convert leads to sales. Master the art of targeting, engagement, and conversion optimization in the digital landscape.
  • Course 03: SEO - Search Engine Optimisation In-depth SEO training covering keyword research, on-page optimization, and backlink strategies. Acquire the skills to enhance website visibility and ranking on search engines.
  • Course 04: Advanced Training on SEO & SMM Strategies Build expertise in advanced SEO and Social Media Marketing (SMM) techniques. Dive into algorithm updates, analytics, and harness the power of social platforms for optimal digital presence.
  • Course 05: Content Marketing Certification Master content creation and distribution strategies. Develop engaging, keyword-rich content for diverse platforms, and understand the role of storytelling in effective digital marketing.
  • Course 06: Content Writing Hone your writing skills for digital platforms. Learn to create compelling, SEO-friendly content that resonates with your target audience and drives online engagement.
  • Course 07: Certificate in SEO Content Writing Specialized content writing with a focus on SEO. Craft content that not only captivates readers but also enhances search engine rankings and visibility.
  • Course 08: Social Media Marketing Course - The Step by Step Guide A step-by-step guide to effective social media marketing. Understand platform dynamics, create engaging content, and implement strategies for organic and paid social media success.
  • Course 09: Email Marketing Course Master the art of email marketing. Learn to build and segment lists, design impactful campaigns, and optimize for conversions while adhering to best practices.
  • Course 10: Sales and Marketing: Email Marketing Integrate email marketing into your sales strategy. Explore techniques to nurture leads, build customer relationships, and drive revenue through targeted email campaigns.
  • Course 11: Unlocking the Power of Google Adwords for Digital Marketing Harness the potential of Google AdWords. Understand keyword targeting, ad creation, and bid management to maximize visibility and achieve marketing goals.
  • Course 12: Google Ads Training Comprehensive Google Ads training covering ad formats, targeting options, and campaign optimization. Gain expertise in creating effective advertising campaigns on the Google platform.
  • Course 13: Facebook Marketing Dive into Facebook marketing strategies. Learn to create compelling content, utilize paid advertising, and leverage analytics to optimize campaigns on the world's largest social platform.
  • Course 14: Instagram Marketing Master Instagram marketing essentials. Explore content creation, engagement strategies, and advertising techniques to build a strong brand presence on this visual-centric platform.
  • Course 15: Affiliate Marketing Unlock the potential of affiliate marketing. Understand partnership structures, optimize promotional strategies, and leverage affiliate networks to generate passive income.
  • Course 16: Linkedin Marketing Strategic marketing on LinkedIn. Explore content creation, networking, and advertising techniques to enhance brand visibility and generate business leads on the professional platform.
  • Course 17: Youtube Marketing Comprehensive YouTube marketing training. Learn content creation, optimization, and advertising strategies to maximize visibility and engagement on the world's largest video platform.
  • Course 18: Social Media Influencer Transform into a social media influencer. Discover content creation, audience engagement, and collaboration strategies to build a personal brand and monetize influence.
  • Course 19: Youtube and Instagram Video Production Master video production for YouTube and Instagram. Learn scripting, filming, editing, and optimization techniques to create engaging and shareable video content.
  • Course 20: Make a Wordpress WooCommerce Amazon Affiliate Store Build a profitable Amazon affiliate store using WordPress and WooCommerce. Learn to set up, customize, and optimize your online store for maximum affiliate revenue.
  • Course 21: Build an Amazon Affiliate E-Commerce Store from Scratch Step-by-step guide to creating an Amazon affiliate e-commerce store. Covering product selection, site setup, and marketing strategies to generate income through affiliate sales.
  • Course 22: Affiliate Marketing Business Essentials Essential knowledge for successful affiliate marketing. Covering niche selection, audience targeting, and optimization strategies to build a lucrative affiliate marketing business.

Who is this course for?

  • Course 23: E-Commerce: Complete Guide to Income Mastery Comprehensive e-commerce guide covering product sourcing, store setup, and marketing strategies. Learn to maximize income through effective e-commerce practices.
  • Course 24: Blogging Master the art of blogging for business. Explore content creation, SEO optimization, and monetization strategies to build a successful and profitable blog.
  • Course 25: Determining Market Size for Your Product Learn market analysis techniques to assess the size and potential of your target market. Understand the importance of data-driven decision-making in product development and marketing.
  • Course 26: Simple Copywriting Secrets: How to Write Killer Sales Copy Unlock the secrets of persuasive copywriting. Learn to craft compelling sales copy that resonates with your audience and drives conversions across various marketing channels.
  • Course 27: ChatGPT for Marketing Content and Productivity with AI Tools Harness the power of ChatGPT for marketing content creation and productivity. Learn to use AI tools to streamline tasks, enhance creativity, and improve overall marketing efficiency.
  • Course 28: Lead Generation and Attraction Marketing Training Master lead generation and attraction marketing techniques. Explore strategies to attract and convert prospects into customers through effective marketing campaigns.
  • Course 29: Marketing Strategies for Business Develop comprehensive marketing strategies for business success. Covering market segmentation, targeting, positioning, and effective promotional tactics to achieve business goals.
  • Course 30: Brand Branding Dive into the intricacies of brand branding. Learn to develop a strong brand identity, create brand messaging, and implement strategies to build brand loyalty and recognition.

The Digital Marketing & Social Media Manager - Job Ready Program is crafted for individuals with diverse backgrounds who aspire to excel in the dynamic field of marketing. This program is especially ideal for:

  1. Entry-Level Marketing Enthusiasts:

    • Individuals who are passionate about marketing and eager to kickstart their career in the digital marketing and social media management domain.
  2. Limited or No Prior Experience in Marketing:

    • This program caters to individuals with minimal or no prior experience in the marketing industry, providing a comprehensive foundation for success.
  3. Recent Graduates in Marketing or Related Fields:

    • Graduates looking to translate their educational background into practical skills and secure a position in the competitive landscape of digital marketing and social media management.
  4. Career Changers into the Marketing Field:

    • Individuals seeking a career transition into marketing, leveraging this program to gain the necessary expertise and skills for success.
  5. Motivated Individuals Eager for Comprehensive Support:

    • This program is perfect for those with a strong drive to succeed, offering extensive mentoring and support to navigate the complexities of digital marketing and social media management.
    • CIM Diploma in Professional Digital Marketing (Online)
    • Level 4 Diploma in Digital Marketing (HL)
    • COB Certified Digital Marketing Manager
    • Professional Diploma in Social Media

Please Note: Studyhub is a Compliance Central approved resale partner for Quality Licence Scheme Endorsed courses.


No experience required. Just enrol & start learning.

Career path

  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Social Media Manager
  • Content Marketing Coordinator
  • SEO Analyst
  • PPC Campaign Manager
  • Email Marketing Specialist
  • Digital Marketing Manager
  • Brand Strategist
  • Influencer Marketing Coordinator
  • Online Community Manager
  • E-commerce Marketing Specialist
  • Data Analyst (Marketing)
  • Marketing Automation Specialist
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Content Creator (Digital Marketing)

Questions and answers

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Wade asked:

How confident are you about getting a job from this? I've done many courses that "promise a job" at the end, but I've never got one.


Dear Wade, Thanks for your interest. Our program is designed to be comprehensive and practical, providing you with the skills and experience that employers are looking for in the digital marketing and social media management fields. While we cannot guarantee a job, we offer a money-back guarantee if you do not secure employment within a specified period after completing the program.

This was helpful. Thank you for your feedback.


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Study method describes the format in which the course will be delivered. At Reed Courses, courses are delivered in a number of ways, including online courses, where the course content can be accessed online remotely, and classroom courses, where courses are delivered in person at a classroom venue.

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. If you work in certain professions or for certain companies, your employer may require you to complete a number of CPD hours or points, per year. You can find a range of CPD courses on Reed Courses, many of which can be completed online.

A regulated qualification is delivered by a learning institution which is regulated by a government body. In England, the government body which regulates courses is Ofqual. Ofqual regulated qualifications sit on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), which can help students understand how different qualifications in different fields compare to each other. The framework also helps students to understand what qualifications they need to progress towards a higher learning goal, such as a university degree or equivalent higher education award.

An endorsed course is a skills based course which has been checked over and approved by an independent awarding body. Endorsed courses are not regulated so do not result in a qualification - however, the student can usually purchase a certificate showing the awarding body's logo if they wish. Certain awarding bodies - such as Quality Licence Scheme and TQUK - have developed endorsement schemes as a way to help students select the best skills based courses for them.