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Flutter and Dart | Flutter Dart Programming from Scratch

Flutter Dart Complete Guide for building Android & IOS app with Flutter advanced projects on Dart programming language

Oak Academy


£18 inc VAT
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26 hours · Self-paced
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  • Reed courses certificate of completion - Free

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Flutter, dart, flutter dart, flutter and dart, flutter firebase, dart programming, flutter advanced, flutter project, dart language, dart programing language

Hello there,

Welcome to the “ Flutter and Dart | Flutter Dart Programming from Scratch ” course.
Flutter Dart Complete Guide for building Android & IOS app with Flutter advanced projects on Dart programming language

Flutter is a Google SDK for building native interfaces for iOS and Android using the Dart programming language. Flutter can integrate with existing iOS and Android code bases. It's free and open-source.

Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter dart was originally launched with support for iOS and Android. Flutter 2 was launched as a stable release in March 2021, with support for Windows, macOS, Linux, and web. Flutter runs with dart, a programming language developed by Google. Dart is a strongly-typed, object-oriented language with a familiar C-style syntax. Developers can compile Dart programs into fast native code that runs smoothly on all supported platforms. On the web, dart flutter is compiled to JavaScript code that can run on the browser. Flutter web is composed of three architectural layers: the Flutter framework, which is written in Dart and provides all the widgets that developers use to build their apps; the flutter firebase Engine, written in C++, which provides low-level rendering support.

Flutter is a Google SDK for building native interfaces for iOS and Android using the Dart programming language. Flutter can integrate with existing iOS and Android code bases. It's free and open-source.

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop cross platform applications for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase

Dart is a client-optimized language for developing fast apps on any platform. Its goal is to offer the most productive programming language for multi-platform development, paired with a flexible execution runtime platform for app frameworks.

Languages are defined by their technical envelope — the choices made during development that shape the capabilities and strengths of a language. Dart is designed for a technical envelope that is particularly suited to client development, prioritizing both development (sub-second stateful hot reload) and high-quality production experiences across a wide variety of compilation targets (web, mobile, and desktop).

Dart also forms the foundation of Flutter. Dart provides the language and runtimes that power Flutter apps, but Dart also supports many core developer tasks like formatting, analyzing, and testing code.

The Dart language is type safe; it uses static type checking to ensure that a variable’s value always matches the variable’s static type. Sometimes, this is referred to as sound typing. Although types are mandatory, type annotations are optional because of type inference. The Dart typing system is also flexible, allowing the use of a dynamic type combined with runtime checks, which can be useful during experimentation or for code that needs to be especially dynamic

Video and Audio Production Quality

All our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience.

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  • Seeing clearly

  • Hearing clearly

  • Moving through the course without distractions

You'll also get:

  • Lifetime Access to The Course

  • Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section

Dive in now into;
" Flutter and Dart | Flutter Dart Programming from Scratch

Flutter Dart Complete Guide for building Android & IOS app with Flutter advanced projects on Dart programming language" course

We offer full support, answering any questions.

My students says that: Recommended for those who start Flutter from zero like me. I'm a backend programmer, and I know nothing about the mobile realm. Now I can build my own mobile app. I'm really excited!
Flutter & Dart

See you in the course!


Reed courses certificate of completion

Digital certificate - Included

Will be downloadable when all lectures have been completed


    • 1: Flutter and Dart | Flutter Dart Programming from Scratch 01:01
    • 2: What is Dart and Why is Dart Programming Language 04:59
    • 3: FAQ About Google Flutter and Dart Programming Language 03:00
    • 4: Dart SDK Installation 02:44
    • 5: Installationof Required Editor 05:51
    • 6: launch.json File Edit to Run in Debug Mode 01:00
    • 7: Dart and Flutter Project Files 01:00
    • 8: quiz 01:00
    • 9: First Dart Application 04:54
    • 10: Variables and Data Types 05:06
    • 11: Number and Boolean Data Types 10:00
    • 12: String Data Type and Interpolition 07:00
    • 13: Final and Const Concepts 03:07
    • 14: quiz 01:00
    • 15: Using If, Else and Else If 07:36
    • 16: Temary Operator and Null Value Check 05:51
    • 17: Switch,Case Statements 05:56
    • 18: Conditional Quiz-1 07:42
    • 19: Operators-1 06:48
    • 20: Operators-2 04:31
    • 21: Loops and For Loops 06:39
    • 22: While and Do While Loops 03:48
    • 23: Continue and Break Statements 03:13
    • 24: Loops Quiz-2 04:39
    • 25: Getting Data from Console 09:11
    • 26: Getting Data from Console(Example) 06:27
    • 27: quiz 01:00
    • 28: What is Function 09:20
    • 29: Using Fat Arrow 06:34
    • 30: Optional and Named Parameters 07:02
    • 31: Fixed-Length Lists in dart 07:13
    • 32: Dynamic Long Lists in dart 05:55
    • 33: Methods Related to Lists in dart 08:32
    • 34: Set Structure 07:40
    • 35: Map Structure 04:09
    • 36: Collections Highlights 06:46
    • 37: Collection Structure Again 08:16
    • 38: quiz 01:00
    • 39: Class and Object Concepts 07:30
    • 40: Constructor Metods 07:31
    • 41: Using Factory 09:32
    • 42: Private Values and Getter Setter 07:04
    • 43: Example 1 07:53
    • 44: Example-2 11:08
    • 45: quiz 01:00
    • 46: Inheritance 04:52
    • 47: Inheritance Example and Overriding 07:11
    • 48: Polimorfizim and Late Binding 05:20
    • 49: Using Constructor Methods in Inheritance 05:35
    • 50: quiz 01:00
    • 51: Abstract Class and Method 07:31
    • 52: Interface Concept 05:09
    • 53: Static Method and Variables 08:09
    • 54: Final and Const Concept 06:23
    • 55: Immutable Classes 03:32
    • 56: quiz 01:00
    • 57: What is Lambda 04:21
    • 58: Higher Order Function 04:32
    • 59: Lexical Closure Concept 05:41
    • 60: Constructors of List Class 07:05
    • 61: Methods of List Class 12:35
    • 62: Constructors and Methods of Map Class 08:09
    • 63: quiz 01:00
    • 64: Exception Concept 06:10
    • 65: Throwing an Error 07:16
    • 66: Creating Our Exception Class 07:26
    • 67: Generic Types 07:38
    • 68: Create Generic Class 09:56
    • 69: Introduction to Asynchronous Programming 07:23
    • 70: Using Future Class 06:20
    • 71: Using then, catchError and whenComplete 07:31
    • 72: Using await and async 07:34
    • 73: Future Examples 10:19
    • 74: Example Continue 07:34
    • 75: Future Extra Information 07:34
    • 76: quiz 01:00
    • 77: What is Null Safety 07:34
    • 78: Nullable, Non-Nullable, Assertion Concepts 08:32
    • 79: Type Promotion and Required Key 08:08
    • 80: Null Safety in Object Properties and Late Keyword 07:55
    • 81: quiz 01:00
    • 82: What is Flutter? 05:04
    • 83: Flutter Project File 01:00
    • 84: Why Flutter? 05:06
    • 85: Flutter App's Anatomy 02:38
    • 86: Flutter Versions 04:17
    • 87: quiz 01:00
    • 88: Prequisties for Flutter Setup 05:39
    • 89: Git and Flutter SDK Setup 06:14
    • 90: Android Studio and SDK Installation 07:34
    • 91: First Flutter Project in Android Studio 05:44
    • 92: First Flutter Project in VSCode 04:32
    • 93: Flutter App on Real Device 05:04
    • 94: Mac Setup-Install Flutter SDK 05:10
    • 95: Mac Setup-Install Android Studio 03:50
    • 96: Mac Setup-Install The Android Emulator 03:26
    • 97: Mac Setup-Install Xcode and Command Line Tools 01:35
    • 98: quiz 01:00
    • 99: Creating Projects with Commands 05:14
    • 100: Creating Project with VS Code 04:15
    • 101: Using MaterialApp Widget 08:32
    • 102: Using Scaffold Widget 07:57
    • 103: Using FloatingActionButton 11:31
    • 104: Using Container Widget 06:54
    • 105: Container Margin and Padding Properties 08:08
    • 106: Box Decoration 12:35
    • 107: Row and Column Widget Basic Features 12:31
    • 108: Using Expanded and Flexible Widget 09:58
    • 109: Chapter Again 11:38
    • 110: Chapter Again 2 07:13
    • 111: quiz 02:00
    • 112: Create Our Widget 10:06
    • 113: Hot Reload and Hot Restart in Flutter 09:56
    • 114: Stateful Widgets 09:08
    • 115: Build Context 06:39
    • 116: Adding Images and Image Types 12:48
    • 117: Using FadeinImage, IntrinsicHeight, and PlaceHolder 07:32
    • 118: Basic Button Types 12:33
    • 119: Dropdown Button 11:56
    • 120: Popup Menu Button 08:35
    • 121: Basic Blog Structure (App) 11:27
    • 122: quiz 02:00
    • 123: Card ListTile Divider for lists 11:40
    • 124: Using Listview 08:52
    • 125: ItemBuilder and SeperatorBuilder 09:32
    • 126: EasyLoading Package Usage 12:47
    • 127: AlertDialog and Buttonbar 09:32
    • 128: Layout Problems and Solutions 09:55
    • 129: Using Gridview 13:43
    • 130: BoxDecoration and DecorationImage 11:42
    • 131: Display with Gesture Detector Capturing 05:45
    • 132: CustomScrollView and SliverAppBar 06:59
    • 133: Using SliverList 08:32
    • 134: Using Builder for SilverList 09:03
    • 135: Using SliverGrid 09:54
    • 136: quiz 01:00
    • 137: Navigation Operations 05:41
    • 138: Using Navigator push 08:53
    • 139: Using Navigator pop 08:33
    • 140: Using WillPopScope 04:45
    • 141: Using PushReplacement and CanPop, MaybePop 05:36
    • 142: Defining Named Route 09:25
    • 143: Using OnGenerated Route 12:00
    • 144: Submitting Data to New Pages 10:53
    • 145: Using Constructors for Submitting Data 05:32
    • 146: PopUntil and PushNamedRemoveUntil 05:05
    • 147: quiz 01:00
    • 148: Application Introduction 02:26
    • 149: Creating the Data Source 11:34
    • 150: Create List 08:03
    • 151: Creating the Detail Page 08:37
    • 152: Using Palette Generator 08:10
    • 153: Using onGenerate 08:16
    • 154: quiz 02:00
    • 155: Textfield Widget 07:55
    • 156: Using Controller 10:37
    • 157: Using TextFormField and Validator 07:48
    • 158: Registering the Form and Using GlobalKey 06:47
    • 159: Using GlobalKey 08:00
    • 160: Checkbox Slider Radio and Switch 10:17
    • 161: Dropdownbuttom ve DropDownMenuItem 07:48
    • 162: Date and Time Selection 11:39
    • 163: Using Stepper Widget 09:34
    • 164: Stepper Widget-2 12:04
    • 165: Easy Todo List (App) 08:47
    • 166: quiz 01:00
    • 167: Application Introduction 02:33
    • 168: Using Google Fonts and Basic App Structure 09:23
    • 169: Using TextFormField for Application 08:04
    • 170: Creating the Average Widget 06:24
    • 171: Create DropdownButton 11:54
    • 172: Dropdown-2 07:16
    • 173: Calculation of the Average and the Lesson Model Class 11:21
    • 174: Listing of Courses and Dismissible Button 09:07
    • 175: Using Callback Functions 06:13
    • 176: Using Custom Font 09:41
    • 177: Using Drawer and Inkwell 08:59
    • 178: Using Bottom Navigation Bar 05:54
    • 179: BottomNavigationBar and Switching Pages 06:57
    • 180: UI State with ExpansionTile and PageStorageKey 14:45
    • 181: Using Pageview 12:52
    • 182: Using Tabbar and TabbarView 12:38
    • 183: App introduction and Interface Design-1 12:58
    • 184: Interface Design-2 06:33
    • 185: Interface Design-3 08:31
    • 186: Interface Design-4 13:32
    • 187: Using Hero and Inkwell 13:44
    • 188: Completed the Interface 12:59
    • 189: quiz 01:00
    • 190: Json and Api Concepts 12:59
    • 191: What is Api 08:19
    • 192: Reading Json Data from Local File 08:00
    • 193: Preparing Models for Json Data 12:35
    • 194: Listing Json Data with Builder 12:00
    • 195: Using InitialData and FutureBuilder 11:21
    • 196: quiz 01:00
    • 197: What is Firebase? 06:52
    • 198: Products Offered by Firebase 12:45
    • 199: Firebase Pricing Policy, Limits and Quotas 14:41
    • 200: quiz 01:00
    • 201: Creating a Firebase Database 07:22
    • 202: Adding Real-time Data to The Database via Firebase Console 07:11
    • 203: Introduction to Authentication 02:56
    • 204: quiz 01:00
    • 205: What you will learn and How to get help in Git and Github? 02:00
    • 206: Project Files and Course Documents in Git and github 01:00
    • 207: FAQ about Git, github, git and github, bitbucket, Git actions 01:00
    • 208: What is GIT and Why We Use It? 06:03
    • 209: Installation the Git and Github 07:56
    • 210: Let’s learn how to use Git? 08:16
    • 211: Creating A repo in Git and Github 06:45
    • 212: Staging and Unstaging Files in Git and Github 08:51
    • 213: Making Commits in Git and Github 08:48
    • 214: Undoing Things in Git and Github 07:33
    • 215: GIT Revert in Git and Github 08:08
    • 216: Branches in Git and Github 14:44
    • 217: Merging Branches in Git and Github 04:25
    • 218: Fixing Conflicts in Git and Github 06:41
    • 219: Quiz Git, github, git and github, bitbucket, Git action 01:00
    • 220: Intro to Github 05:05
    • 221: Creating Repo on GITHUB 13:54
    • 222: Flutter and Dart | Flutter Dart Programming from Scratch 01:00

Course media


Flutter, dart, flutter dart, flutter and dart, flutter firebase, dart programming, flutter advanced, flutter project, dart language, dart programing language

Hello there,

Welcome to the “ Flutter and Dart | Flutter Dart Programming from Scratch ” course.
Flutter Dart Complete Guide for building Android & IOS app with Flutter advanced projects on Dart programming language

Flutter is a Google SDK for building native interfaces for iOS and Android using the Dart programming language. Flutter can integrate with existing iOS and Android code bases. It's free and open-source.

Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter dart was originally launched with support for iOS and Android. Flutter 2 was launched as a stable release in March 2021, with support for Windows, macOS, Linux, and web. Flutter runs with dart, a programming language developed by Google. Dart is a strongly-typed, object-oriented language with a familiar C-style syntax. Developers can compile Dart programs into fast native code that runs smoothly on all supported platforms. On the web, dart flutter is compiled to JavaScript code that can run on the browser. Flutter web is composed of three architectural layers: the Flutter framework, which is written in Dart and provides all the widgets that developers use to build their apps; the flutter firebase Engine, written in C++, which provides low-level rendering support.

Flutter is a Google SDK for building native interfaces for iOS and Android using the Dart programming language. Flutter can integrate with existing iOS and Android code bases. It's free and open-source.

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop cross platform applications for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase

Dart is a client-optimized language for developing fast apps on any platform. Its goal is to offer the most productive programming language for multi-platform development, paired with a flexible execution runtime platform for app frameworks.

Languages are defined by their technical envelope — the choices made during development that shape the capabilities and strengths of a language. Dart is designed for a technical envelope that is particularly suited to client development, prioritizing both development (sub-second stateful hot reload) and high-quality production experiences across a wide variety of compilation targets (web, mobile, and desktop).

Dart also forms the foundation of Flutter. Dart provides the language and runtimes that power Flutter apps, but Dart also supports many core developer tasks like formatting, analyzing, and testing code.

The Dart language is type safe; it uses static type checking to ensure that a variable’s value always matches the variable’s static type. Sometimes, this is referred to as sound typing. Although types are mandatory, type annotations are optional because of type inference. The Dart typing system is also flexible, allowing the use of a dynamic type combined with runtime checks, which can be useful during experimentation or for code that needs to be especially dynamic

Video and Audio Production Quality

All our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience.

You will be,

  • Seeing clearly

  • Hearing clearly

  • Moving through the course without distractions

You'll also get:

  • Lifetime Access to The Course

  • Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section

Dive in now into;
" Flutter and Dart | Flutter Dart Programming from Scratch

Flutter Dart Complete Guide for building Android & IOS app with Flutter advanced projects on Dart programming language" course

We offer full support, answering any questions.

My students says that: Recommended for those who start Flutter from zero like me. I'm a backend programmer, and I know nothing about the mobile realm. Now I can build my own mobile app. I'm really excited!
Flutter & Dart

See you in the course!

Who is this course for?

  • Anyone who has never programmed before and want to learn Dart and build iOS and Android apps.
  • Anyone who know how to code, but are new to mobile development, then take this course to build apps with just one codebase.
  • Anyone who have tried Flutter before, but want to get a comprehensive curriculum that covers all the important aspects of Flutter development
  • Anyone who wants to deploy to multiple devices from a single codebase: mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices.
  • It's perfect for complete beginners with zero experience for dart
  • If you want to building your application with Dart and Flutter application
  • Anyone who wants to use Flutter which is a Google SDK for building native interfaces for iOS and Android using the Dart programming language
  • Anyone who wants to build beautiful apps easily with Flutter
  • Anyone who wants to learn Dart programming language which is very productive.
  • Anyone who want to build native-quality iOS and Android apps with Flutter.


  • You do not need to have any programming background while doing these.
  • No prior dart or flutter
  • Desire to learn dart flutter
  • Computer with access to the internet.
  • Willingness and Motivation to successfully complete the course about Flutter
  • Desire to learn Flutter and Dart
  • Have 10GB of free space on your hard drive.
  • Watching the lecture videos completely, to the end and in order.
  • Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your ambition for flutter dart to get started today

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