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Health and Safety Level 2 in Polish

ROSPA Accredited | Institute of Hospitality Endorsed | CPD | Local Authority Approved

The Training Terminal


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£12 inc VAT (was £30)
Offer ends 29 June 2024
Study method
No formal qualification
1 CPD hours / points

83 students purchased this course

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Have you already studied Health and Safety Level 1 and would like to learn more? Our Level 2 course follows on perfectly from this and will also introduce you to new modules such as, First Aid at Work.

You will gain a thorough understanding of health and safety issues in the workplace and will learn about the various steps you can take to prevent accidents, as well as gaining vital knowledge about the course of action to take should an incident occur.

Our course provides excellent grounding for the development and implementation of health and safety strategies to reduce the risk to yourself, and fellow colleagues in a number of working environments.

Poziom 2tego kursu wprowadzi cie w bardziej detaliczne informacje zwiazane z bezpieczenstwem i higienapracy w porównaniu z poziomem 1, wlacznie z dodatkowym rozszerzeniem na temat pierwszej pomocy w pracy.

Ten kurs pomoze ci doglebnie zrozumiec problemy zwiazane z bezpieczenstwem i higiena w pracy oraz pomoze lepiej zrozumiec jakie akcje prewencyjne pominny byc wprowadzone w celu zmniejszenia mozliwosci wypadków w pracy, równiez jak nalezy postepowac w sytuacji ekstremalnej.

Szkolenie to pomoze ci opracowac i wdrozyc strategie redukujace zagrozenia wypadkowe dotyczace bezpieczenstwa i higieny pracy wtedy, gdy zagrozony mozesz okazac sie ty lub twoi wspólpracownicy w srodowisku roboczym.


1 CPD hours / points
Accredited by Institute of Hospitality

Course media


Course Content

  • Health and safety at work legislation and obligations
  • Risk assessments
  • Controlling accidents at work
  • Manual handling and how to avoid common injuries
  • Hazardous substances and their control (COSHH)
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Display screen equipment (DSP) and associated injuries
  • Dealing with asbestos in the workplace
  • Fire prevention
  • First aid and emergencies
  • Health, hygiene, smoking and stress in the workplace


The course is presented in an interactive slide format, with short manageable sections and test your knowledge questions that allow you to check your understanding before proceeding to the next part. At the end of the course is a multiple-choice assessment that you will need to complete and pass in order to receive your fully accredited certificate.

Duration and Time Limit

This course takes approximately 2 – 3 hours to complete, although you can take your time and proceed at your own pace, whenever it is convenient.


You’ll receive your CPD accredited certificate in PDF format the minute you pass your course. It’s that easy!

Tutor Support

When you are studying a course, it is always useful to know that you have the help and support of qualified tutor and lecturers who are keen to see you succeed.

With all our courses, you will receive access to our dedicated tutor support service. They will be able to provide you with unlimited online email support to help answer any questions that you may have whilst you are studying the course.

Course Compatibility

All our courses are fully compatible with PC’s, Mac’s, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone devices.

We know that more and more people are using the web whilst they are on the move, so we have designed our courses to be fully compatible across tablet and smartphone devices. You will be able to access the same content from the course, just over a 3G or 4G network whilst on the move.

Zawartosc kursu

  • Bezpieczenstwo ihigiena pracy, wymogi prawne oraz zobowiazania prawne
  • Ocena ryzyka
  • Kontrola wypadków w pracy
  • Reczne prace transportowe, w jaki sposób uniknac uszkodzen ciala.
  • Substancje niebezpieczne i ich kontrola (COSHH)
  • Osobisty sprzet ochronny (PPE)
  • Monitory i sprzet wyswietlajacy (DSP) i zwiazane z tym urazy
  • Praca z azbestem
  • Ochrona przeciwpozarowa
  • Pierwsza pomoc i sytuacje kryzysowe
  • Zdrowie, higiena, palenie i stres w pracy.


Ten kurs zostal przygotowany w formie interaktywnego pokazu slajdów, jego zawartosc jest podzielona na krótkie sekcje. Kazda sekcja konczy sie podsumowaniem i pytaniami sprawdzajacymi twoja wiedze, co pomoze dobrze zapamietac informacje. Aby ukonczyc kurs i uzyskac certyfikat z akredytacja musisz zdac test sprawdzajacy, który sklada sie z szeregu pytan i odpowiedzi wielokrotnego wyboru.

Czas trwania i limity czasowe

Ten kurs zajmie okolo 2 – 3 godzin, kazdy powinien wybrac tempo odpowiednie dla niego.


Certyfikat jest akredytowanym przez CPD, który bedzie dostepny w formacie PDF odrazu po zdaniu testu.

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for anyone seeking an accredited Level 2 qualification in Health and Safety.


There are no entry requirements for this course.

Questions and answers

No questions or answers found containing ''.

Marek asked:

Hi.If I take this course in Polish, can I get a certificate in English?


Hi Marek Thank you for your question. The course is in Polish but the certificate is in English. Regard Renaldas

This was helpful. Thank you for your feedback.


Course rating


Study method describes the format in which the course will be delivered. At Reed Courses, courses are delivered in a number of ways, including online courses, where the course content can be accessed online remotely, and classroom courses, where courses are delivered in person at a classroom venue.

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. If you work in certain professions or for certain companies, your employer may require you to complete a number of CPD hours or points, per year. You can find a range of CPD courses on Reed Courses, many of which can be completed online.

A regulated qualification is delivered by a learning institution which is regulated by a government body. In England, the government body which regulates courses is Ofqual. Ofqual regulated qualifications sit on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), which can help students understand how different qualifications in different fields compare to each other. The framework also helps students to understand what qualifications they need to progress towards a higher learning goal, such as a university degree or equivalent higher education award.

An endorsed course is a skills based course which has been checked over and approved by an independent awarding body. Endorsed courses are not regulated so do not result in a qualification - however, the student can usually purchase a certificate showing the awarding body's logo if they wish. Certain awarding bodies - such as Quality Licence Scheme and TQUK - have developed endorsement schemes as a way to help students select the best skills based courses for them.