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Java: a complete tutorial from zero to JDBC

Learn Java programming language from start to finish with Oracle Java certified expert Mr Lawrence Decamora



£12 inc VAT
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20.2 hours · Self-paced
No formal qualification
  • Reed courses certificate of completion - Free

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Java is one of the most prominent programming languages today due its power and versatility.

Our concept at LearningWhilePracticing is to guide you to be operational right away. We help you uncover new skills through practice, instead of going over a boring class where you would not be grasping the concepts. Practices makes perfect!

In this course, you will be guided by Oracle certified Java expert Mr Lawrence Decamora, from start to finish.


Reed courses certificate of completion

Digital certificate - Included

Will be downloadable when all lectures have been completed


20h 10m
    • 10: Difference Between a Class and Objects 07:11
    • 11: The Person and TestPerson Classes 08:03
    • 12: Constructors 17:27
    • 13: Methods 12:03
    • 14: Encapsulation (aka Data Hiding) 18:55
    • 15: The Java API Documentation 11:56
    • 16: The import statement 13:24
    • 17: Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 06:06
    • 18: Your First NetBeans Project 09:38
    • 19: Comments, Semi-colon, Blocks and Whitespaces 18:34
    • 20: The import and the package statements 15:55
    • 21: Java Data Types 15:27
    • 22: The Scanner object and the nextXxx() Methods 09:38
    • 23: Section Introduction 00:50
    • 24: Data Type Casting, part 1 Preview 04:43
    • 25: Data Type Casting, part 2 04:08
    • 26: Data Type Casting, part 3 06:28
    • 27: The Increment and Decrement Operators 09:28
    • 28: The Mathematical Operators 09:12
    • 29: The Relational Operators Preview 04:00
    • 30: The Logical Operators and the Short-Circuit Operators, part 1 08:19
    • 31: The Logical Operators and the Short-Circuit Operators, part 2 02:51
    • 32: The Ternary Operator 05:29
    • 33: The Ternary Operator Sample Problem - Odd / Even 00:23
    • 34: The Ternary Operator Solution - Odd / Even 03:21
    • 35: The Assignment and Short-Hand Operators 04:39
    • 36: The if-else condition 05:48
    • 37: The if-else-if ladder and age problem 01:46
    • 38: The age problem solution 05:00
    • 39: The nested if 07:14
    • 40: The switch-case statement 10:32
    • 41: The month to word problem 00:33
    • 42: The month to word solution 03:30
    • 43: The taxi fare problem Preview 01:23
    • 44: The taxi fare solution Preview 06:34
    • 45: The while and the do-while loops, part 1 06:15
    • 46: The while and the do-while loops, part 2 04:06
    • 47: Infinite Loops 05:01
    • 48: Print all numbers from the smaller to the larger number problem 00:55
    • 49: Print all numbers from the smaller to the larger number solution 04:37
    • 50: The for loop, part 1 06:27
    • 51: The for loop, part 2 02:48
    • 52: Print the odd numbers from 1 to 10 problem 00:34
    • 53: Print the odd numbers from 1 to 10 solution 03:40
    • 54: Nested loops 06:59
    • 55: Print the Multiplication Table Problem 00:24
    • 56: Print the Multiplication Table Solution 02:29
    • 57: The break and continue statements 07:12
    • 58: Labelled breaks and labelled continues 04:12
    • 59: The Reference Data Types 09:55
    • 60: User Defined Classes 09:55
    • 61: Assigning a Reference Value to a Variable 03:44
    • 62: Pass by Value and Local Variable Scopes 19:30
    • 63: The String Problem 01:01
    • 64: The String Solution 04:15
    • 65: The 'this' keyword, part 1 07:44
    • 66: The 'this' keyword, part 2 09:43
    • 67: Section Introduction, Arrays and Strings 01:17
    • 68: Array Creation and Initialization, part 1 05:52
    • 69: Array Creation and Initialization, part 2 08:17
    • 70: Array Limits, the .length attribute 05:25
    • 71: Sample Array Problem and Solution 08:04
    • 72: The Enhanced for loop 07:38
    • 73: Copying of Arrays 12:04
    • 74: Command Line Arguments and the parseXxx Methods 19:56
    • 75: The Two Dimensional Arrays, aka an Array of Arrays 13:04
    • 76: The Multiplication Table Problem 00:19
    • 77: The Multiplication Table Solution 06:12
    • 78: The Non-Rectangular Arrays 06:23
    • 79: The Calendar Problem 02:03
    • 80: The Calendar Solution 15:58
    • 81: The String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder, part 1 16:39
    • 82: The String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder, part 2 05:40
    • 83: The Palindrome Problem 00:49
    • 84: The Palindrome Solution 04:36
    • 85: Inheritance Concepts Preview 08:30
    • 86: Java Access Modifiers 03:48
    • 87: Method Overriding 08:27
    • 88: The 'super' keyword 04:22
    • 89: Polymorphism Concepts 07:49
    • 90: The Virtual Method Invocation and Heterogeneous Arrays 04:14
    • 91: Polymorphic Arguments, the 'instanceof' operator and obj cast p1 14:04
    • 92: Polymorphic Arguments, the 'instanceof' operator and obj cast p2 07:09
    • 93: Overloading Methods 10:50
    • 94: Inheritance and Constructors 13:07
    • 95: The Object Class and the equals() method 12:53
    • 96: The Object Class and the hashCode() method 05:19
    • 97: The Object Class and the toString() method 04:30
    • 98: The 'static' keyword, part 1 11:28
    • 99: The 'static' keyword, part 2 08:40
    • 100: Section Introduction on Other Class Features 00:45
    • 101: The Wrapper Classes 09:30
    • 102: The 'final' keyword 07:03
    • 103: The 'enum' keyword 08:50
    • 104: The 'abstract' keyword 09:42
    • 105: Java Interfaces 21:24
    • 106: The Interface default methods 08:45
    • 107: The Interface static methods 03:31
    • 108: Functional Interface and the Lambda Operator 12:20
    • 109: Section Introduction on Exceptions and Assertions 01:58
    • 110: The Exception and the Error Classes Preview 05:34
    • 111: The 'try' and 'catch' blocks 08:44
    • 112: The 'finally' block 20:18
    • 113: The Exception Hierarchy 09:33
    • 114: Multiple Exceptions in a catch block 02:14
    • 115: The parameterized try block and the handle-or-declare rule, part 1 10:05
    • 116: The parameterized try block and the handle-or-declare rule, part 2 04:11
    • 117: The 'throws' keyword 00:56
    • 118: The Rules on Overriding Methods and Exceptions 06:17
    • 119: Creating your Own Exception 08:45
    • 120: Assertion Checks, the 'assert' keyword 05:53
    • 121: Section Introduction on IO and File IO 00:42
    • 122: How to accept inputs using the Scanner Class, a review part 1 07:15
    • 123: How to accept inputs using the Scanner Class, a review part 2 02:13
    • 124: How to accept inputs using the BufferedReader and InputStreamRead 10:47
    • 125: How to Format an Output 10:33
    • 126: The File Class 05:36
    • 127: How to read inputs from a file 08:35
    • 128: How to write data to a file 17:45
    • 129: Section Introduction on the Collection and the Generics Framework 00:46
    • 130: The Collection Interface 07:08
    • 131: The Set and the List Interfaces 06:55
    • 132: The Map Interface 05:09
    • 133: The Iterator Interface 11:15
    • 134: The Generics Framework 09:54
    • 135: Sorting your Set Collection 18:35
    • 136: Section Introduction on How to Build a GUI-Based Desktop App 02:00
    • 137: The AWT Package, the Component and the Containers 03:00
    • 138: The Component and the Containers Examples, part 1 07:13
    • 139: The Component and the Containers Examples, part 2 10:02
    • 140: The Layout Managers - The FlowLayout Manager 08:40
    • 141: The Layout Managers - The BorderLayout Manager 10:37
    • 142: The Layout Managers - The GridLayout Manager 06:45
    • 143: Demonstrate How Complex Layout Manager and Nested Layout Manager 16:23
    • 144: Events, Event Sources and Event Handlers 02:55
    • 145: Implementing the Event Handling Techniques - The Deligation Model 08:41
    • 146: Implementing the Event Handling Techniques - Using Listeners 09:53
    • 147: Implementing EHT - Using Adapter Classes and Inner Classes 08:40
    • 148: Completion of the SimpleCalculator Application Preview 15:56
    • 149: Packaging a JAR file for application deployment, part 1 14:39
    • 150: Packaging a JAR file for application deployment, part 2 06:43
    • 151: Section Introduction on Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 00:56
    • 152: How to Create your first DB Schema using NetBeans 10:08
    • 153: Steps in using JDBC using the Statement Interface 24:42
    • 154: The Statement vs the PreparedStatement Interface 10:47

Course media


This Java tutorial is made up of 14 sections:

  • Section 0: Setting up your Java Development Kit

    • Downloading, Installing and Configuring your JDK

      • Windows OS

      • Mac OS

    • Setting up your IDE

      • Eclipse

      • NetBeans

  • Section 1: Your First Java Cup

    • How to write your first Java Program -->

    • How to save, compile and run your first Java Program

    • How to debug a compilation error

    • The Parts of your Java Program

      • class

      • the main method

      • the System.out.println() method

      • the (+) operator

      • the '\n' and '\t' characters

    • Commonly encountered errors:

      • Misspelled public class name vs misspelled filename

      • Misspelled keywords and method names

      • Incorrect location of your file or your present working directory.

  • Section 2: Difference between a Class and an Object

    • How to create an object

      • Constructors

      • instance variables

      • instance methods

    • How to use / test an object.

    • Encapsulation (Data Hiding)

    • Java API Documentation

    • The import Statement

  • Section 3: Introducing the use of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

    • Eclipse

    • Netbeans

    • IntelliJ

    • Creating our first Netbeans Project

    • Comments in Java

      • single line comments

      • multi line comments

      • java doc comments

    • The Semi-colon;

    • The { } blocks

    • Whitespaces

    • The import Statement

    • The package Statement

    • Java Data Types

      • Reference Data Types (To be discussed in Section 5)

      • Primitive Data Types

        • byte

        • short

        • int

        • long

        • float

        • double

        • char

        • boolean

    • The Scanner object.

      • The nextXxx() methods

  • Section 4: Operators and Control Structures

    • Operators

      • Casting

      • Increment / Decrement (++ / --)

      • Mathematical (*, /, %, +, -)

      • Relational (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=)

      • Logical Operators (&, |, ^)

      • Short-Circuit Operators (&&, ||)

      • Ternary Operators (? :)

      • Assignment and Short-Hand Operators

    • Control Structures

      • if-else

      • switch-case

      • while

      • do while

      • for loop

      • nested loops

      • break and continue statements

      • labeled break and labeled continue statements

  • Section 5: The Reference Data Types

    • Primitive Data Types vs Reference Data Type

    • User Defined Classes --> Reference Data Types

    • Assigning References to Variables

    • Pass by Value and Local Variable Scopes

    • The this Reference

  • Section 6: Arrays and Strings

    • Array Creation and Initialization

    • Array Limits (.length)

    • The Enhanced for loop

    • Copying Arrays

    • Command-Line Arguments

      • The parse Methods

    • Array of Arrays (Two-dimensional Arrays)

    • Non-Rectangular Arrays

    • String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder

  • Section 7: Inheritance and Polymorphism

    • Inheritance: Classes, Superclasses, and Subclasses

    • Single Inheritance

    • The ”is-a” relationship

    • Java Access Modifiers

    • Method Overriding

    • Rules in Overriding a Method

    • The super keyword

    • Polymorphism

    • Virtual Method Invocation and Heterogeneous Array

    • Polymorphic Arguments

    • The instanceof operator

    • Casting of Objects

    • Overloading Methods

    • Rules for Method Overloading

    • Inheritance and Constructors

    • Overloading Constructors

    • The Object class (equals(), hashCode() and toString() methods)

    • The static keyword

    • How do we access / call a static variable or a static method?

    • The Math and System Classes

    • The static imports

  • Section 8: Other Class Features

    • The Wrapper Classes

    • The final keyword

    • The enum keyword

    • The abstract keyword

    • Java Interfaces

      • The Interface default methods

      • The Interface static methods

    • The Functional Interface and the Lambda (->) Operator

  • Section 9: Exceptions and Assertions

    • The Exception and The Error class

    • Why do we need to have Exception Handling?

    • Sample Exceptions

    • Java’s Approach, the Call Stack Mechanism

    • The five keywords used for Exception handling or Exception declaration

    • General Syntax of an exception - handling block

    • The try – catch block

    • The finally block

    • The Exception Hierarchy in Java

    • Multiple Exceptions in a catch Block

    • The parameterized try block

    • The Handle-or-Declare rule

    • The throws keyword

    • Rules on Overriding Methods and Exceptions

    • Creating your own Exception objects

    • Assertion Checks

  • Section 10: IO and FileIO

    • How to accept inputs using:

      • The Scanner Class

      • The BufferedReader and InputStreamReader Classes

    • How to format an output.

    • The File class.

    • How to read and write inputs from and to a File.

  • Section 11: The Collection and Generics Framework

    • The Collection Interface

    • The Set Interface

    • The List Interface

    • The Map Interface

    • The Iterator Interface

    • The Generics Framework

    • Creating your own Set of Collection objects

    • Sorting your Collection

  • Section 12: Building a GUI Based Desktop Application

    • The AWT package

    • Components, Containers, and Layout Managers.

    • Using selected layout managers to achieve desired GUI layout.

    • Add components to a containers

    • Demonstrate how complex layout manager and nested layout managers works.

    • Define what events, event sources, and event handlers are.

    • Event handling techniques

    • Write code to handle events that occur in a GUI

    • Describe the five (5) ways on how to implement event handling technique.

    • Converting the AWT code to a Swing application

    • Packaging a JAR file for application deployment

  • Section 13: Introduction to JDBC

    • – Introduction to Database Concepts

    • – How to Create your first DB Schema

    • - Basic SQL Statements

      • - SELECT

      • - UPDATE

      • - DELETE

      • - INSERT

    • - What is JDBC?

      • - The Statement Interface

      • - The PreparedStatement Interface

Each section contains its resources files (codes and notes used by the instructor) which can be found here:

https: // drive. google. com/drive/folders/1qOlopsoFExfLey0jWOv2mQwPIny7bqoN?usp=sharing

===>(No space. Make sure to extract the files)

Whether you're a complete beginner or already got knowledge in Java, this course is for you! Happy Coding!

Who is this course for?

Anyone interested in learning Java



Questions and answers

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Angie asked:

Do I need any coding experience? Should I do computer science basics first?


Hello, no coding experience is needed for this course! A little bit of computer science basics however can be very beneficial to get the full potential of this course

This was helpful. Thank you for your feedback.


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