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About us

KESDEE has the world’s largest financial eLearning catalogue. KESDEE's e-learning catalogue consists of 750 accredited e-Learning courses on various topics in following five verticals:

- Banking

- Securities& Capital Markets

- Life Insurance

- P&C Insurance

- Wealth Management / Financial Planning industry.


KESDEE has two horizontal solutions:

- Risk Management and

- Corporate Finance


Exam preps are available for major certifications in finance and Risk Management (CFA, Claritas, PRM, APRM, FRM and others).

KESDEE's courses are accredited for continuing professional education credits for finance and banking professionals by numerous global accrediting agencies like NASBA, CFP, ACAMS, GARP etc.

Why choose us

1) Huge Catalogue

2) Product Quality (Continuous Updates)

3) Customized Solution

4) Competitive Pricing

5) Accredited courses