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Study Booth

3.9 (14 reviews)

About us

Study Booth is a premier e-Learning platform specialising in providing high-quality and engaging learning experiences. Our primary objective is to make education accessible to everyone, irrespective of their background or location. We have developed an intuitive and user-friendly interface to ensure a seamless learning journey for all students.

What sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to excellence and the pursuit of knowledge. We are driven by a shared vision of fostering a competent and educated world. We believe education should be immersive, engaging, and empowering. Our meticulously curated courses aim to ignite your passion for learning and equip you with the skills and expertise necessary for success in your chosen field.

Moreover, we recognise that individuals have different learning styles, which is why our courses cater to diverse preferences, offering a fulfilling and enriching experience for every learner. Whether you want to enhance your professional skill set, explore new subjects, or advance your career, Study Booth is here to support you at every step.

Join Study Booth today and start a journey of personal and professional growth!

Why choose us

At Study Booth, we hope to empower people by providing high-quality and engaging learning experiences. Our courses are immersive, engaging, and empowering and will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and qualifications required to excel in your career. We will not only ignite your passion but also support you at every step. 

  • We Provide Top Quality Course Content at an Affordable Price
  • We Offer a Wide Range of Courses Covering Various Disciplines and Industries
  • We Have Learners From All Around the UK
  • Learner Satisfaction is Our Top Priority
  • Our Courses Incorporate Interactive Elements Such as Quizzes and Assignments
  • We Provide Self-Paced & Time Flexible Courses
  • Our Courses Are Easy to Understand
  • We Tailor the Learning Experience to Suit Individual Needs
  • We Provide Features That Enable You to Track Your Progress Throughout the Courses
  • Learners Can Access Our Courses From Any Smart Device
  • We Provide 24-Hour Tutor Support on Weekdays
  • You Will Get a Recognised Certification Upon Successful Completion


Provider reviews

Provider rating

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{{ item.Title }}
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|Purchased {{ getHumanisedPassageOftime(item.PurchasedOn) }}
{{ item.ProviderName }} responded to this review
{{ getLongDate(item.ProviderResponseDate) }}
{{ results.length }} out of {{ totalResultsCount }} reviews