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Typescript | Type script & Typescript React from Scratch

Typescript course helps you understand Typescript in detail with hands-on Typescript & React Typescript projects

Oak Academy


£29 inc VAT
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Online, On Demand What's this?
12.9 hours · Self-paced
No formal qualification

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Welcome to the "Typescript: Type script & React Typescript from Scratch" course.
Typescript course helps you understand Typescript in detail with hands-on Typescript & React Typescript projects

TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It introduces additional features like strict type binding (variables are bound to specific data types) to JavaScript and can also be compiled down to Java Script as well. TypeScript, Typescript, Type script, typescript react, react typescript

TypeScript is a superset of typed JavaScript (optional) that can help build and manage large-scale JavaScript projects. It can be considered JavaScript with additional features like strong static typing, compilation, and object-oriented programming.

TypeScript is broadly used by developers in Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and many more. Apart from these giants, many start-ups are working on TypeScript. TypeScript is having many technical features, some of them are as follows…

  • Object-Oriented Programming: TypeScript provides all features of Object-Oriented Programming where you can form objects because TypeScript provides inbuilt support for classes, interfaces, and many more features of OOP. It helps in designing and implementing them with clean and scalable code. This feature of TypeScript separates it from others and it makes the code more readable which helps to easily maintain and alter code.

  • JavaScript Library: Typescript supports all the JavaScript libraries and you can change your existing JavaScript project into TypeScript by just changing the extension of the file .js to .ts. You can work with Typescript along with React, Vue, and Angular. Typescript is a superset of JavaScript i.e. Typescript includes ES5 version of JavaScript and ES6 version of JavaScript along with interfaces, generics, classes, and many more features.

  • Static Typing: Typescript takes the robust code at another level to write scripts which helps in writing and maintaining larger codes especially in the case of scripting which helps in analysis of code. You don’t have to wait till the runtime to find bugs in your code which reduces complications of designing. It promotes dependable refactoring and makes it faster.

  • Dependency Injection: Typescript allows you to create objects outside the class and provide those objects to a class in many different ways. Typescript helps in the creation and binding of the dependent objects outside of the class that need them. This helps a lot in testing.

This course is for beginners. To be able to take this course, all you need is the basic understanding of JavaScript.

In this course, we're going to start with the basics and I'm going to show you how fun it is to build Type Script programs. After you're familiar with the syntax, we're going to move on to more advanced Type script development techniques, such as: working with closures, object-oriented programming, real-time asynchronous development, and decorators.

You'll also learn that you're not limited to Angular 2+ or plain JavaScript/ Typescript Projects. A complete Module covers how to use TypeScript with ReactJS to benefit from its Features, there, too.

This is a beginner-level TypeScript tutorial, however, a knowledge of JavaScript will be very helpful. If you have no exposure to Javascript you should consider taking one of Oak Academy Java Script courses, either before or after this course.

I tried to tell all complex topics in very detail on the course. I used some diagrams to tell some important topics and created applications

What is TypeScript and why use it?

TypeScript features, syntax, and keywords in nodejs typescript

Tooling and Framework Options

How to create a class

TypeScript variables and functions in angular typescript

TypeScript declarations

TypeScript classes and interfaces

Much more...

At the end of the course;

  • Types and how to use them

  • How the TypeScript Compiler works

  • ES6 Features in TypeScript

  • Classes in TypeScript

  • Interfaces

  • understanding typescript

In this TypeScript tutorial, you will learn the key concepts and features to get started building applications with TypeScript. Topics that are covered include:

This course is going to take you from the beginning to a further level.

Dive in now “Typescript | Type script & Typescript React from Scratch”.

Typescript course helps you understand Typescript in detail with hands-on Typescript & React Typescript projects

We offer full support, answering any questions.

See you in the course!


12h 55m
    • 2: How to Get Help 01:27
    • 3: A Birdseye View of TypeScript 08:47
    • 4: Initial Setups 08:14
    • 5: FAQ About Typescript | Type script & Typescript React 02:00
    • 6: Typescript Project File 01:00
    • 7: App Review 05:53
    • 8: How to Run TypeScript Code 07:03
    • 9: A Subtle Adjustment 05:07
    • 10: Catching Errors 10:28
    • 11: Catching Errors 2 06:06
    • 12: quiz 01:00
    • 13: Types in TypeScript 07:18
    • 14: Types in TypeScript 2 08:20
    • 15: More Types with Examples 06:25
    • 16: Where Do We Use Types 01:23
    • 17: quiz 01:00
    • 18: Introduction of Type Annotation and Infrence 02:53
    • 19: How Annotatitons Work 06:53
    • 20: Object Annotations 09:38
    • 21: Function Annotations 08:07
    • 22: Type Infrence 05:34
    • 23: quiz 01:00
    • 24: Understanding 'Any' Type 11:09
    • 25: Fixing 'any' Type 02:49
    • 26: Initiate Annotation Later 04:37
    • 27: When type can not be inferred 06:59
    • 28: quiz 01:00
    • 29: Annotations with Functions 07:16
    • 30: Type Infrence with Functions 08:42
    • 31: Using Annotations with Anonymous Functions 02:15
    • 32: Never and Void Types 04:05
    • 33: quiz 01:00
    • 34: Object Destructure with Annotations 04:32
    • 35: Using Annotations with Objects 10:35
    • 36: Typed Arrays 07:10
    • 37: More on Typed Arrays 06:16
    • 38: Working with Multiple Types 07:54
    • 39: When should we use typed arrays 01:29
    • 40: quiz 01:00
    • 41: Tuples 05:31
    • 42: More on Tuples 08:01
    • 43: When Should We Use Tuples 04:47
    • 44: quiz 01:00
    • 45: Interfaces 02:30
    • 46: Long Type Annotations 07:11
    • 47: Fixing Long Annotations with Interfaces 06:38
    • 48: Syntax Around Interfaces 04:05
    • 49: Functions in Interfaces 06:52
    • 50: Code Reuse with Interfaces 06:17
    • 51: Classes 05:34
    • 52: Basic Inheritance 04:37
    • 53: Instance Method Modifiers-Final 09:33
    • 54: Field in Classes 08:30
    • 55: Fields with Inheritance 06:34
    • 56: quiz 01:00
    • 57: App Overview 03:47
    • 58: Webpack Setup and Configuration 09:59
    • 59: Project Structure 05:07
    • 60: Generating Random Data 07:00
    • 61: Using Definition Files 08:56
    • 62: Export Statements in Typescript 07:44
    • 63: Typescript Configuration 02:32
    • 64: Defining a Cargo 05:13
    • 65: Adding Google Maps Support 10:25
    • 66: Google Maps Integration 04:57
    • 67: Exploring Type Definition Files-Final 17:11
    • 68: Why Use Private Modifiers-Final 12:57
    • 69: Attaching Markers 12:48
    • 70: Restricting Access with Interfaces 07:35
    • 71: Impicit Type Checks 04:14
    • 72: Showing Popup Windows 09:40
    • 73: Updating Interface Definitions 09:05
    • 74: Optional Implements Clauses 08:33
    • 75: App Recap 11:53
    • 76: App Overview 01:58
    • 77: Configuring Typescript Compiler 10:53
    • 78: Concurrent Compilation and Execution 06:32
    • 79: A Simple Sorting Algorithm 05:47
    • 80: Sorter Scaffolding 05:02
    • 81: Sorting Implementation 06:43
    • 82: Two Huge Issues 09:44
    • 83: Typescript is Really Smart 10:41
    • 84: Type Guards 11:59
    • 85: Why is This Bad 03:37
    • 86: Extracting Key Logic 10:23
    • 87: Seperating Swapping and Comparison 18:53
    • 88: The Big Reveal 06:03
    • 89: Interface Definition 06:45
    • 90: Sorting Arbitrary Collections 14:32
    • 91: Just One More Fix 03:12
    • 92: Integrating the Sort Method 04:04
    • 93: Issues with Inheritance 09:34
    • 94: Abstract Classes 08:52
    • 95: Why Use Abstract Classes 05:56
    • 96: Solving All Issues with Abstract Classes 04:20
    • 97: Interfaces vs Abstract Classes 04:53
    • 98: React and Redux Overview 09:38
    • 99: App Overview 03:10
    • 100: Generating the App 01:41
    • 101: Simple Components 04:52
    • 102: Interfaces with Props 05:03
    • 103: Handling Component State 03:15
    • 104: Confusing Component Status 15:05
    • 105: Functional Components 04:37
    • 106: Redux Setup 08:50
    • 107: Action Creators with Typescript 10:11
    • 108: Action Types Enum 07:28
    • 109: The Generic Dispatch Function 06:54
    • 110: A Reducer with Enums 09:07
    • 111: Validating Store Structure 07:05
    • 112: Connecting a Component to Redux 07:52
    • 113: Rendering a List 06:05
    • 114: Adding in Delete Functionality 04:09
    • 115: Breaking Out Action Creators 04:40
    • 116: Expressing Actions as Type Union 05:55
    • 117: Type Guards in Reducers 03:41
    • 118: Wiring Up deleteToDo Action 02:31
    • 119: Again, Type Definition Files 04:30
    • 120: Tracking Loading with Component State 06:16
    • 121: App Recap 05:36
    • 122: quiz 02:00

Course media



Welcome to the "Typescript: Type script & React Typescript from Scratch" course.
Typescript course helps you understand Typescript in detail with hands-on Typescript & React Typescript projects

TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It introduces additional features like strict type binding (variables are bound to specific data types) to JavaScript and can also be compiled down to Java Script as well. TypeScript, Typescript, Type script, typescript react, react typescript

TypeScript is a programming language that helps developers turn medium-sized JavaScript projects and prototypes into large-scale ones. JavaScript, a widely-used programming language, was designed to be easy to use for developers and non-developers alike. As a result, JavaScript development is difficult to scale up. Microsoft introduced TypeScript to solve this scalability problem. TypeScript is often referred to as JavaScript with type because it allows developers to find errors while writing their code rather than wait until the application is running. And because TypeScript is a syntactical superset of JavaScript, any JavaScript program is also a valid TypeScript program.

TypeScript is a superset of typed JavaScript (optional) that can help build and manage large-scale JavaScript projects. It can be considered JavaScript with additional features like strong static typing, compilation, and object-oriented programming.

TypeScript is broadly used by developers in Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and many more. Apart from these giants, many start-ups are working on TypeScript. TypeScript is having many technical features, some of them are as follows…

  • Object-Oriented Programming: TypeScript provides all features of Object-Oriented Programming where you can form objects because TypeScript provides inbuilt support for classes, interfaces, and many more features of OOP. It helps in designing and implementing them with clean and scalable code. This feature of TypeScript separates it from others and it makes the code more readable which helps to easily maintain and alter code.

  • JavaScript Library: Typescript supports all the JavaScript libraries and you can change your existing JavaScript project into TypeScript by just changing the extension of the file .js to .ts. You can work with Typescript along with React, Vue, and Angular. Typescript is a superset of JavaScript i.e. Typescript includes ES5 version of JavaScript and ES6 version of JavaScript along with interfaces, generics, classes, and many more features.

  • Static Typing: Typescript takes the robust code at another level to write scripts which helps in writing and maintaining larger codes especially in the case of scripting which helps in analysis of code. You don’t have to wait till the runtime to find bugs in your code which reduces complications of designing. It promotes dependable refactoring and makes it faster.

  • Dependency Injection: Typescript allows you to create objects outside the class and provide those objects to a class in many different ways. Typescript helps in the creation and binding of the dependent objects outside of the class that need them. This helps a lot in testing.

This course is for beginners. To be able to take this course, all you need is the basic understanding of JavaScript.

In this course, we're going to start with the basics and I'm going to show you how fun it is to build Type Script programs. After you're familiar with the syntax, we're going to move on to more advanced Type script development techniques, such as: working with closures, object-oriented programming, real-time asynchronous development, and decorators.

You'll also learn that you're not limited to Angular 2+ or plain JavaScript/ Typescript Projects. A complete Module covers how to use TypeScript with ReactJS to benefit from its Features, there, too.

This is a beginner-level TypeScript tutorial, however, a knowledge of JavaScript will be very helpful. If you have no exposure to Javascript you should consider taking one of Oak Academy Java Script courses, either before or after this course.

I tried to tell all complex topics in very detail on the course. I used some diagrams to tell some important topics and created applications

Is TypeScript a language or framework?

TypeScript is JavaScript with syntax for types. TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale.

Which is better JavaScript or TypeScript?

JavaScript is better suited for small-scale applications, while TypeScript is better for larger applications. TypeScript supports static typing but JavaScript does not. TypeScript supports interfaces but JavaScript does not. TypeScript features prototyping but JavaScript does not.

Why should I learn TypeScript?

It supports encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism, and other OOP features. Typescript code is more readable, clean, and scalable. Typescript is a strongly typed language that supports prototypes, dynamic types, and constructor functions. Also, it helps in changing the document using API.

Do I need to learn TypeScript for angular?

You can write Angular applications in either TypeScript, ES6 or even ES5 JavaScript. However Angular itself is written in TypeScript, most examples on the web are written in TypeScript, most Angular jobs require you to write TypeScript so this book will be teaching in TypeScript.

What is TypeScript and why use it?

TypeScript features, syntax, and keywords in nodejs typescript

Tooling and Framework Options

How to create a class

TypeScript variables and functions in angular typescript

TypeScript declarations

TypeScript classes and interface

At the end of the course;

  • Types and how to use them

  • How the TypeScript Compiler works

  • ES6 Features in TypeScript

  • Classes in TypeScript

  • Interfaces

  • understanding typescript

In this TypeScript tutorial, you will learn the key concepts and features to get started building applications with TypeScript. Topics that are covered include:

This course is going to take you from the beginning to a further level.

Why would you want to take this course?

Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching.

When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers expertise. Questions sent by students to our instructors are answered by our instructors within 48 hours at the latest.

Video and Audio Production Quality

All our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience.

You will be,

  • Seeing clearly

  • Hearing clearly

  • Moving through the course without distractions

    You'll also get:

  • Lifetime Access to The Course

  • Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section

Dive in now “Typescript | Type script & Typescript React from Scratch”.

Typescript course helps you understand Typescript in detail with hands-on Typescript & React Typescript projects

We offer full support, answering any questions.

See you in the course!

Who is this course for?

  • Anyone learning Angular should definetely understand how to Typescript works.
  • This Course is for every student who wants to extend his or her horizon beyond vanilla JavaScript
  • Anyone who Javascript developer looking to understand how to structure large codebases.
  • Anyone wants to code more readable, clean, and scalable
  • If you want to learn Angular 2(…. latest Angular 11), completely and easily, you are at the right place.
  • It's perfect for complete beginners with zero experience.
  • If you want to building your application with Angular.
  • People who want to angular js apps
  • People who want to learn angular beginner to advanced
  • people who want to learn full stack web development with angular
  • People who want to learn typescript, angular 10, (angular 2)


  • No prior Typescript knowledge is required

  • Computer with access to the internet

  • Knowledge of JavaScript but you don't need to be an master

  • Basic ES6 knowledge would be beneficial but not required

  • Basic knowledge of Javascript

  • Desire to learn Typescript

  • Desire to Learn React Typescript

  • Any device you can watch the course, such as a mobile phone, computer or tablet.

  • Watching the lecture videos completely, to the end and in order.

  • Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today.

  • LIFETIME ACCESS, course updates, new content, anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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