4 Assistant Jobs in Cheadle

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Trainee Customs Clerk

Job Title : Trainee Customs Clerk Location: Pendlebury, Manchester, M27 6DB Salary: 20000 - 25000 per annum Job Type: Permanent, Full-time About us: A leading logistics company providing freight solutions globally. We have a national presence through...

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Import Customs Clerk - Air Freight

Job Title : Import Customs Clerk - Air Freight Location: Swinton, Manchester Salary: 30,000 - 35,000 per annum Job Type: Permanent, Full-time About us: We are an international freight forwarder processing import / export and UK shipments for our clie...

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Import Customs Clerk - Ocean Freight

Job Title : Import Customs Clerk - Ocean Freight Location: Swinton, Manchester Salary: 30,000 - 35,000 per annum Job Type: Permanent, Full-time About us: We are an international freight forwarder processing import / export and UK shipments for our cl...

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Plant and Transport Co-Ordinator Utilities

7 February by Excalon

Job Title: Plant and Transport Co-Ordinator (Utilities) Location: Salford Salary: 30,000 to 32,000 dependent on prior experience Job type: Full Time, Permanent About Us: Excalon is a privately owned company established in 2002. With recent new busine...

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How many Assistant jobs in cheadle are there on Reed.co.uk right now?

There are 4 Assistant jobs within 10 miles of Cheadle on Reed.co.uk right now.

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What is the average salary of Assistant jobs in cheadle

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