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School Finance Officer

School Finance Officer Based in Moseley, Birmingham 16 - 17ph (dependent on experience) Your new company A SEN school in South Birmingham is looking to appoint an interim Finance Officer to support the finance function of the school's 3 sites. This i...

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Office Manager

9 January by Reeson Education

Office Manager required - Commencing ASAP Full-time - Monday - Friday I am currently seeking an office Manager to work at a Harrow based primary school starting ASAP. Ideally you will have SIMS experience and previous experience working within a scho...

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Office Manager

15 January by Reeson Education

Office Manager required - Commencing ASAP Full-time - Monday - Friday I am currently seeking an office Manager to work at a Harrow based primary school starting ASAP. Ideally you will have SIMS experience and previous experience working within a scho...

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School Administrator SIMS Experienced

1 Feburary by Envision Education

Envision Education are currently looking to appoint a School Administrator for a located in Ealing to undertake placements from as soon as possible . The ideal Administrator would have experience within a school setting and overall will be responsibl...

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