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School Premises Officer

School Premises Officer ASAP start 5 days a week, 7.30am to 3.30pm Until at least Easter holidays We are currently looking for a School Premises Officer to join a school on a long-term contract basis to support the current team with general maintenan...

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Maintenance/Facilities Officer

24 January by Office Angels

Maintenance/Facilities Officer Salary: 28,760 Location: Tooting Are you passionate about creating clean, safe, and high-quality environments? Join our client, a thriving learning community based in Tooting, as a Caretaker Facilities. In this role, yo...

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Premises Manager

Premises Manager required for a large Secondary School in Croydon Premises Manager required for a School in Croydon At Remedy Education, we're currently recruiting for a Premises Manager to work in a large Secondary school in Croydon. They are lookin...

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How many Caretaker jobs in the waldrons are there on right now?

There are 28 Caretaker jobs within 10 miles of The Waldrons on right now.

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Jobseekers searching for caretaker jobs also search for driver jobs, maintenance jobs, facilities jobs, cleaner jobs, and facilities assistant jobs.

What is the average salary of Caretaker jobs in the waldrons

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