4 Hospitality Jobs in Bourn

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Events Coordinator

2 days ago by Ann Pettengell

We are seeking a professional Events Coordinator, with extensive experience of managing events online and in-person. As the Events Coordinator, you will be responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing high-impact meetings and events, primari...

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Nursery Cook

11 February by Flow Recruitment

Working Monday - Friday shifts are 8am - 1pm. The Nursery Cook will be responsible for preparing healthy and nutritious meals for the children in the nursery Nursery Cook - Qualifications & Experience Minimum two years’ proven catering experience Bas...

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Front of House

3 February by deverellsmith

Front of House ?? Location: Cambridge ?? Salary: 30K ?? Mon-Fri, with 1-2 late shifts per week & occasional Saturday work Be the Face of a New Rental Revolution Join a pioneering single-family rental community, where renting is more than just a place...

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Head Chef

An exciting opportunity has come up for a head chef to join well renowned casual dining group it its Cambridge location. If you are a chef that loves creating meals full of flavour, and making sure it gives guests a great experience then this role is...

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How many Hospitality & Catering jobs in bourn are there on Reed.co.uk right now?

There are 4 Hospitality & Catering jobs within 10 miles of Bourn on Reed.co.uk right now.

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