3 Hospitality Jobs in Constable Lee

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Chef de Partie

5 days ago by Ye Olde Boot & Shoe

We're on the look out for a talented and organised Chef de Partie to join our expanding kitchen team. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in food preparation, supporting the Head Chef/Sous Chef and working in a faced paced environment. ...

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Sous Chef

5 days ago by Ye Olde Boot & Shoe

We're on the look out for a talented and organised Sous Chef to join our expanding kitchen team. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in food preparation, supervising kitchen teams, supporting the Head Chef and working in a faced paced e...

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Assistant Manager

12 February by BUZZ Bingo

We have an exciting opportunity for an Assistant Manager to join us here at Buzz Bingo Burnley. This role is full time, 40 hours a week working over the 7 days you must be fully flexible to work during all opening hours, paying up to 30,000 depending...

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There are 3 Hospitality & Catering jobs within 10 miles of Constable Lee on Reed.co.uk right now.

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