4 Hospitality Jobs in Buckhurst Hill (harrowbridge Hill)

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Yesterday by Reed

School Caretaker Hourly Rate: 18.50 (Umbrella) / 15.50 (PAYE) Location: Dagenham/East London Job Type: Working Monday to Friday, 6am to 9.30am and 2.30pm to 6pm We are seeking a dedicated Caretaker to join a vibrant school located near Dagenham, East...

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School Caretaker

Yesterday by Reed

School Caretaker Location: East London Job Type: Full-time Working Hours: 8am - 4pm, Monday to Friday We are seeking a dedicated School Caretaker to join our team in East London. The successful candidate will be responsible for maintaining the school...

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Catering Trainer

27 February by Reed

Catering Trainer Annual Salary: 31,767.39 - 39,645.70 Location: Thamesmead, Southeast London Job Type: Full-time, Permanent We are seeking a dedicated Catering Trainer to join our team on a full-time, permanent basis. This role is ideal for someone w...

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14 February by Reed

We are currently looking to recruit a Caretaker/Handyperson/Maintenance Assistant to work for a friendly school based near Stratford, East London. Hours of work are Monday to Friday, 6.45am to 10.00am and 2.30pm to 6.30pm, the role pays 18.50 per hou...

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There are 4 Hospitality & Catering jobs within 10 miles of Harrowbridge Hill on Reed.co.uk right now.

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