2 Hospitality Jobs in Penryn

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Kitchen Assistant - Care Home

3 Feburary by Barchester Healthcare

ABOUT THE ROLE As a Kitchen Assistant at a Barchester care home, you'll help to provide the first-class food and hospitality that enable us to give ou...

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Kitchen Assistant - Care Home

3 Feburary by Barchester Healthcare

ABOUT THE ROLE As a Kitchen Assistant at a Barchester care home, you'll help to provide the first-class food and hospitality that enable us to give our residents exceptional all-round care and support. A healthy, nutritious diet is vital to ensuring ...

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Cleaners - Various Locations

14 January by Berry Recruitment

Cleaners required over various locations across Cornwall and Devon with an immediate start. Some places do require the candidate to have a DBS and you must also be happy to have a Credit Check done (this is on certain locations only). The daily dutie...

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How many Hospitality & Catering jobs in penryn are there on Reed.co.uk right now?

There are 2 Hospitality & Catering jobs within 10 miles of Penryn on Reed.co.uk right now.

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