3 Charity Jobs in Northumberland(Charity)

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Activities and Events Development Officer

W e are a dynamic national charity with a proven track record of providing high-quality, person-centred support services Stockton, in addition to over...

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Activities and Events Development Officer

W e are a dynamic national charity with a proven track record of providing high-quality, person-centred support services Stockton, in addition to over 65 Local Authorities. E xciting opportunities await as we seek a motivated and engaging individual ...

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Senior Programming & Partnerships Officer

3 days ago by The Guardian

We want you to connect people to the natural world by developing and delivering imaginative programming and on-site interpretation at Gibside. A partnership project called the Tyne Derwent Way connects Gibside to a green corridor, which aims to showc...

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Advocacy and Complex Needs Advisor

The Royal British Legion’s Advocacy and Complex Needs Service currently operates in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland and provides, responsive, holistic, and person-centred support, to beneficiaries experiencing complex and often isolating challen...

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There are 3 Charity & Voluntary jobs within 10 miles of Northumberland on Reed.co.uk right now.

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