6 Coach Jobs in Lancashire

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Vehicle Damage Assessor / VDA

ATA Vehicle Damage Assessor / VDA Skelmersdale 45,000 - 50,000 base salary (based on experience) Permanent position working in a large accident repair centre Fantastic Modern Bodyshop 5 hours a week, Monday to Friday, No Weekends 33 days annual leave...

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Panel Beater

Panel Beater Skelmersdale 40,000 - 52,000 Basic Salary (DOE) Permanent position, Monday - Friday only Pension, Healthcare, 33 Days annual leave, Perkbox, medical care plan, 40 Hours a week Negotiable basic salary For more information, please call Roc...

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Panel Beater

Panel Beater Skelmersdale Up to 55,000 Base salary (DOE) Permanent position, Monday - Friday only Pension, Healthcare, 33 Days annual leave, Perkbox, medical care plan, 5 Hours a week Negotiable basic salary based on experience and performance. For m...

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HGV Technician

21 February by Halo Personnel Ltd

HGV Technician We are searching for Motivated, Reliable and Hard-Working HGV Technicians of all levels who will be based at our client’s depot in Preston. Please see below for rates of pay and available shift patterns: HGV Technicians - Days/Afters H...

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Nightshift HGV Technician

21 February by Halo Personnel Ltd

Nightshift HGV Technician We are searching for Motivated, Reliable and Hard-Working HGV Technicians of all levels of competency who will be based from our client’s depot in Widnes. Please see below for shift pattern available: Nightshift HGV Technici...

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HGV Technician

21 February by Halo Personnel Ltd

HGV Technician We are searching for Motivated, Reliable and Hard-Working HGV Technicians of all levels of competency who will be based from our client’s depot in Burtonwood. Please see below for various shift patterns available: HGV Technicians - Day...

Frequently Asked Questions
How many Coach jobs in lancashire are there on Reed.co.uk right now?

There are 6 Coach jobs within 10 miles of Lancashire on Reed.co.uk right now.

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What is the average salary of Coach jobs in lancashire

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