5 Construction Jobs in Condurrow

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Electrician - domestic

18 February by RGB Recruitment

Electrician Newquay Permanent 38,000 - 42,000k per annum plus overtime My client is a locally based MEP client and due to a large project pipeline is looking for an experienced Electrician to join their team. The candidate will be working predominant...

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10 February by RGB Recruitment

Electrician Newquay Permanent 38,000 - 42,000k per annum My client is a locally based MEP client and due to a large project pipeline is looking for an experienced Electrician to join their team. The candidate will be working mainly on domestic projec...

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10 February by RGB Recruitment

Approved Electrician To 37,000 - 38,500 Van Workwear Pension Based in Pool – working throughout Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Full-time – permanent (37 hour week) We are looking for an Approved Electrician to join us to support clients across Cornwall...

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6 February by Berry Recruitment

Berry Recruitment Truro are seeking a self driven, motivated and hard working Blocklayers for a site in Redruth. The role is a temporary role for 2 weeks. Start date: 10th February 2025 You must have a valid CSCS card with proven experience and conta...

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Technical Manager - Interior Wall Finishes

5 February by Mitchell Maguire

Technical Manager - Interior Wall Finishes Job Title: Technical Manager - Interior Wall Finishes Job reference Number: 613964-7394-2535 Industry Sector: General Manager, Technical Manager, Sales Manager, Quantity Surveyor, Estimator, Interior Buildin...

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