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Financial Reporting Manager

30 January by Hamilton Woods

Financial Reporting Manager 6M FTC 80,000 Benefits Tamworth - Staffordshire - Hybrid 2 days Looking for an opportunity to showcase your expertise as a Financial Reporting Manager? Hamilton Woods is working for an amazing team in Staffordshire, join t...

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Financial Reporting Manager 6M FTC

28 January by Hamilton Woods

Financial Reporting Manager 6 Month FTC Tamworth - Staffordshire - Hybrid 2 days Looking for an opportunity to showcase your expertise as a Financial Accounting Manager? Hamilton Woods is working for an amazing team in Staffordshire, join them and su...

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Head of Finance

28 January by Hamilton Woods

Head of Finance - Lichfield - Staffordshire 95,000 - 110,000 Initially 6 Month FTC Birmingham Hamilton Woods is working to find a Head of Finance for an American-owned large fast paced business. The Head of Finance needs to be technically strong in F...

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