7 Part-time Contract Jobs in Cheshunt

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Band 6 Podiatrist

10 February by NHS Professionals

Why might this job interest you? Are you passionate about putting your best foot forward in the field of podiatry? Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust a...

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Band 2 Physiotherapy Assistant

Yesterday by NHS Professionals

Job summary Why might this job interest you? This is an exciting opportunity to progress your physiotherapy career within the Princess Alexandra Hospi...

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Band 2 Physiotherapy Assistant

Yesterday by NHS Professionals

Job summary Why might this job interest you? This is an exciting opportunity to progress your physiotherapy career within the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust. To work as part of a multi-disciplinary team and support Therapists in the delivery o...

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Customer Experience Assistant Receptionist

Customer Experience Assistant - Zero Hours Contract We are excited to be recruiting a zero hours Customer Experience Assistant for our innovation centres, in Hoddesdon and Cheshunt. We are looking for a casual, ad-hoc Receptionist (Centre Support Ass...

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Prep Sports Assistant / PE and Sports Coach

11 February by St Edmunds College

Job Title: Prep Sports Assistant Location: Ware, Hertfordshire Salary: 11,347 gross, paid over 11 months Job Type: Fixed-Term - Term Time Hours: 24 hours per week, Term-time only Prep Sports Assistant (Required for September 2025) St Edmund's Prep Sc...

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Sport and Boarding Assistants / PE and Sports Coach

11 February by St Edmunds College

Job Title: Sport and Boarding Assistants Location: Ware, Hertfordshire Salary: 17,340 gross, paid over 11 months. Job Type: Fixed-Term - Term Time Hours: Term-time plus fixtures, school trips and Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) expeditions (Required for Sep...

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Band 6 Podiatrist

10 February by NHS Professionals

Why might this job interest you? Are you passionate about putting your best foot forward in the field of podiatry? Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust are looking for a dedicated Podiatrist to join on long term placement contract. They are looking for ...

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buckinghamshire Are you an international student in the UK? Have you recently graduated or finishing studies soon? Are you outgoing, compassionate and caring? Are you a driver? Mileage allowance paid. Drivers preferred for this role. Are you interest...

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Are you an international student in the UK? Have you recently graduated or finishing studies soon? Are you outgoing, compassionate and caring? Are you a driver? Mileage allowance paid. Drivers preferred for this role. Are you interested in a 5- years...

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