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Housekeeper Seasonal

About Us Join a dynamic and professional team where your skills in housekeeping will make a real impact. We are seeking a dedicated and detail-oriente...

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Housekeeper Seasonal

About Us Join a dynamic and professional team where your skills in housekeeping will make a real impact. We are seeking a dedicated and detail-oriented Seasonal Housekeeper to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and readiness in our propert...

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Food & Beverage Team Member

17 February by National Trust

Summary The National Trust is renowned for its food and hospitality. We run 185 cafes, tea-rooms and restaurants all over England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and we'd love you to join us. We’re looking for a Food and Beverage Team Member. In this ro...

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Car Park Assistant

17 February by National Trust

Summary The car park assistant role is one of the most valuable roles here at Polesden Lacey as the car park is a key aspect of the visitor experience with it being the first part of a visitor’s day out. Being a car park assistant means you will be o...

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