Job hidden.

Hygiene Manager

5 February by Greencore

Why Greencore? We're a leading manufacturer of convenience food in the UK and our purpose is to make everyday taste better. We're a vibrant, fast-pace...

Job hidden.

Hygiene Manager

5 February by Greencore

Why Greencore? We're a leading manufacturer of convenience food in the UK and our purpose is to make everyday taste better. We're a vibrant, fast-paced leading food manufacturer. Employing around 13,600 colleagues across 16 manufacturing units and 17...

Job hidden.

Video Production Manager

Video Production Manager (Post-Production Focus) We’re looking for a highly independent, detail-oriented Video Production Manager to take charge of our post-production process , ensuring the delivery of high-quality, engaging educational videos to ou...

Job hidden.

Quality Control Administrator

Yesterday by Yo!Sushi

Quality Control Administrator Warehouse - Taiko Acton Contract: Full Time Salary: Contracted Hours: 40 Established in 1997 as the first manufacturer of sushi for the UK supermarket industry, Taiko has evolved into the most innovative manufacturer of ...

Job hidden.

Plant Operations Manager

13 February by ReFood

Business: The ReFood AD plants operate as integrated recycling units, processing a variety of food wastes to produce biogas, renewable electricity, heat and ReGrow (a nutrient-rich fertiliser for local farms). The plants also recycle the food waste p...

Job hidden.

Chief Operating Officer

Our client has an exciting opportunity for a Chief Operations Officer to join the team. Location: London Salary: 140k plus bonus, 8% matched pension, private medical insurance Job Type: Full Time, Permanent About Our Client: Our client is a scaling T...

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