Job hidden.

Executive Assistant

When we started Kensington we were the first specialist lender to offer mortgages to people the high street turned down. Over 25 years later, we're th...

Job hidden.

Executive Assistant

When we started Kensington we were the first specialist lender to offer mortgages to people the high street turned down. Over 25 years later, we're the UK's leading specialist mortgage lender still blazing a trail offering people the chance to get a ...

Job hidden.

Office Manager / PA

20 January by Hiring People

Are you an experienced Office Manager or PA looking for a varied part time position based in the heart of Hampshire? We are seeking a personable professional to join the team as we continue to grow This is a dual responsibility position with scope to...

Job hidden.

Office Manager

The Office Manager role involves organising and coordinating administrative duties and office procedures to maintain a productive and pleasant work environment. Key responsibilities include overseeing daily office operations, managing a small adminis...

Job hidden.

Office Manager

The Office Manager role involves organising and coordinating administrative duties and office procedures to maintain a productive and pleasant work environment. Key responsibilities include overseeing daily office operations, managing a small adminis...

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How many Director jobs in bracknell are there on right now?

There are 4 Director jobs within 10 miles of Bracknell on right now.

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Jobseekers searching for director jobs also search for manager jobs, operations jobs, head of jobs, head jobs, and sales director jobs.

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