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Exams and Data Manager

7 February by Reed

Data and Exams Manager Location: London Job Type: Full-time Salary: 21 - 25 per hour We are seeking a dedicated Data and Exams Manager to join this dynamic team. This role is crucial for maintaining accurate student profiling, database services, and ...

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Senior SEN Officer

Senior SEN Officer 360 per Day Camden About the Role: A highly motivated and experienced Senior SEN Officer is required to join a dynamic team. Reporting to the SEN Manager, the role involves overseeing a small team of Assessment and Case Coordinator...

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Conversion Manager

Our client is looking for a Conversion Manager to enhance student engagement and drive enrolments through strategic communication, events, and digital initiatives. You will join the Communications and Engagement department, where you will lead campai...

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Conversion Manager

Our client is looking for a Conversion Manager to enhance student engagement and drive enrolments through strategic communication, events, and digital initiatives. You will join the Communications and Engagement department, where you will lead campai...

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