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Trainee Health & Social Care Assessor

2 days ago by t2 Group

Trainee Health and Social Care Assessor We are looking for experienced health & social care professionals to join our team. Through the structured sup...

Job hidden.

Trainee Health & Social Care Assessor

2 days ago by t2 Group

Trainee Health and Social Care Assessor We are looking for experienced health & social care professionals to join our team. Through the structured support of our training Academy, we will develop you to become a qualified Health & Social Care Persona...

Job hidden.

Part-Time Bookkeeper - South Warwickshire Plato Trust

Leamington Spa and Warwick based Charity with a turnover of nearly half a million requires a PART TIME BOOK KEEPER for its office between Warwick and Leamington Spa for about 4 hours per week. Tasks will include: Monitoring bank accounts, cash flow, ...

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