Job hidden.

Senior Claims Adjuster, Management Liability and Financial Institutions

Primary Details Time Type: Full time Worker Type: Employee To examine, evaluate and process complex and high value Financial and Specialty Markets Claims in accordance with policy terms and conditions in line with QBE Claims Philosophy. The role will...

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Senior Underwriter

21 January by eFinancialCareers

Senior Property Binder Underwriter (International) Company Overview: A large insurance firm with a diverse portfolio, including property binders. This will focus on a large international property book that is looking to expand into the UK and targete...

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Insurance Risk Manager

22 January by eFinancialCareers

Global Insurance Risk Management- Up to 115,000 base I am working with a leading global Commodity Trading and investment company on a Senior Insurance Risk position. You'll lead a talented team of risk professionals, providing strategic guidance, tec...

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