Job hidden.

Administrative Assistant

4 days ago by Avery Healthcare

Package Description: At Avery Healthcare, we are all about supporting the people who care for our residents. We know how hard our teams work, and we’r...

Job hidden.

Administrative Assistant

4 days ago by Avery Healthcare

Package Description: At Avery Healthcare, we are all about supporting the people who care for our residents. We know how hard our teams work, and we’re here to celebrate and support you every step of the way. When you join us, you’ll be making a posi...

Job hidden.

Maintenance Assistant - Bank - Care Home

18 February by Barchester Healthcare

ABOUT THE ROLE As a Bank Maintenance Assistant at a Barchester care home, you'll help to create the safe and attractive surroundings that will enable us to give our patients the quality care and support they deserve. It's important that our homes giv...

Job hidden.

Care Assistant - Bank - Care Home

18 February by Barchester Healthcare

ABOUT THE ROLE As a Bank Care Assistant at a Barchester care home, you'll help residents enjoy each day by making sure they get the quality care and support they deserve. You'll assist with daily living, providing support and companionship and sharin...

Job hidden.

Care Assistant - Bank - Care Home

10 February by Barchester Healthcare

ABOUT THE ROLE As a Bank Care Assistant at a Barchester care home, you'll help residents enjoy each day by making sure they get the quality care and support they deserve. You'll assist with daily living, providing support and companionship and sharin...

Job hidden.

Female Care Assistant - Wellingborough

4 days ago by Bluebird Care

Location: Wellingborough Contract type: Care Assistant Salary details: 15.40 per hour plus 0.30 pence per mile mileage - No Zero Hour Contracts - Local Customers and Longer Call Times Female Care Assistant - Wellingborough and the surrounding village...

Job hidden.

Night Senior Carer

5 days ago by Barchester Healthcare

ABOUT THE ROLE As a Night Senior Carer at a Barchester care home, you'll look after the different needs of our residents to enable us to deliver quality, person-centred care and support. Your role will involve supervising and inspiring a team of dedi...

Job hidden.

Senior Carer - Residential Care Home

5 days ago by Barchester Healthcare

ABOUT THE ROLE As a Residential Senior Carer at a Barchester care home, you'll look after the different needs of our residents to enable us to deliver quality, person-centred care and support. You will be responsible for leading a team of care staff,...

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