4 Full-time Head It Services Jobs

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Business Manager

Business Manager Automotive Retail Dealership Cardiff CF11 27,500 pa, OTE 55,000 pa uncapped car 5-day week Renault Cardiff seeks an experienced Business Manager to join our busy dealership on the Penarth Road (CF11). This role involves controlling t...

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Business Manager

Business Manager Automotive Retail Dealership Swansea SA7 27,500 pa, OTE 55,000 pa uncapped car 5-day week Renault Swansea seeks an experienced Business Manager to join our busy dealership on the Swansea Enterprise Park (SA7). This role involves cont...

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Bus Driver

Why work for Compass Travel? Minimum 40 hours per week 616 per week based on an average of 44 hours per week Up to 70 per month safe driving bonus (conditions apply) PAID BREAKS IN FULL No Sunday or Bank Holiday working required The earliest start is...

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Bus Driver

At Compass, we have a strong staff team and management structure with a particular emphasis on building team spirit. We are more “informal” than some larger bus companies and we like to think that our staff feel part of a large “family” within a frie...

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