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Truck Tyre Technician Supervisor

27 January by Protyre Autocare

Protyre Autocare is looking for a Truck Tyre Technician Supervisorto encourage, lead and motivate a team to consistently deliver excellent customer se...

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Truck Centre Manager

27 January by Protyre Autocare

Protyre Autocare is looking for a commercially minded Truck Centre Manager to deliver the company business objectives through effective management and...

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Truck Centre Manager

27 January by Protyre Autocare

Protyre Autocare is looking for a commercially minded Truck Centre Manager to deliver the company business objectives through effective management and co-ordination of the Centre, whilst ensuring a high level of customer service, centre standards and...

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Truck Tyre Technician Supervisor

27 January by Protyre Autocare

Protyre Autocare is looking for a Truck Tyre Technician Supervisorto encourage, lead and motivate a team to consistently deliver excellent customer service, as well as taking responsibility for co-ordinating the workload and the delivery of company b...

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There are 2 full-time Health Care Assistant jobs within 10 miles of Ealing on right now.

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