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Litigation Executive - Fraud

28 January by Keoghs LLP

Description We are on the lookout for ambitious and motivated motor fraud lawyers eager to become part of a vibrant and collaborative division as they...

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Lead Lawyer - Counter Fraud Services

21 February by Keoghs LLP

Description The Lead Lawyer will be responsible for the technical leadership of a team of NDA Litigated Fraud file handlers and assistants working on ...

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Lead Lawyer - Counter Fraud Services

21 February by Keoghs LLP

Description The Lead Lawyer will be responsible for the technical leadership of a team of NDA Litigated Fraud file handlers and assistants working on fixed fee files whilst carrying a reduced file count. The successful candidate will be responsible f...

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Litigation Executive - Fraud

18 February by Keoghs LLP

Description We are on the lookout for ambitious and motivated motor fraud lawyers eager to become part of a vibrant and collaborative division as they advance their legal careers. An exciting opportunity awaits for a seasoned motor fraud lawyer to jo...

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Litigation Executive - Fraud

28 January by Keoghs LLP

Description We are on the lookout for ambitious and motivated motor fraud lawyers eager to become part of a vibrant and collaborative division as they advance their legal careers. An exciting opportunity awaits for a seasoned motor fraud lawyer to jo...

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DA Litigated Fraud File Handler

28 January by Keoghs LLP

Description We are looking for ambitious, driven candidates who are looking to join a dynamic, exciting and collaborative division in order to advance their legal career. Whilst our counter-fraud team is the largest and longest-established in the UK,...

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Counter Fraud Lawyer

28 January by Keoghs LLP

Description We have a great opportunity for an experienced, Counter-Fraud Lawyer to join our team. Whilst our counter-fraud team is the largest and longest-established in the UK, we don’t do stuffy and formal; we are down to earth and enjoy the deliv...

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Litigated Fraud File Handler

18 February by Keoghs LLP

Description We are on the lookout for ambitious and motivated motor fraud lawyers eager to become part of a vibrant and collaborative division as they advance their legal careers. An exciting opportunity awaits for a seasoned motor fraud lawyer to jo...

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NDA Counter Fraud Litigated Handler

18 February by Keoghs LLP

Description We are looking for ambitious, driven candidates who are looking to join a dynamic, exciting and collaborative division in order to take the next step in their legal career. We have a great opportunity for an experienced, litigated File Ha...

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DA Causation Handler

Yesterday by Keoghs LLP

Description We are looking for ambitious, driven candidates to join our dynamic, exciting and collaborative division as a File Handler focusing on causation claims. Whilst our counter-fraud team is the largest and longest-established in the UK, we do...

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Solicitor - Fraud

28 January by Keoghs LLP

Description Keoghs are looking for a specialist counter fraud lawyer, looking to join a dynamic and collaborative division in order to take the next step in their legal career. We offer 4 days working from home and flexible working arrangements, givi...

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