Job hidden.

Head of Collections, Teaching and Research

The University of Manchester Library is one of only five UK National Research Libraries, the third largest academic library in Britain and is widely acknowledged to be one of the great libraries of the world. Our vast and rich collections enable us t...

Job hidden.

Financial Literacy Tutor

25 January by Red 5 People Ltd

Have a teaching qualification and fancy creating your own course content around financial literacy for learners with learning disabilities? (You don’t need prior experience with the subject matter) This charity has secured 12 months of funding in par...

Job hidden.

Management Apprenticeship Assessor

KM Recruitment is a specialist UK wide recruiter for the Skills and Employability sectors. Job Title: Management Apprenticeship Assessor Location: Home/Field based - Must be flexible with travel Salary: 34,000 Type: Full Time, Permanent Duties: Train...

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There are 3 full-time Research jobs within 10 miles of Didsbury on right now.

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