Job hidden.

Automation Team Leader

18 February by Sopra Steria

We are recruiting an Automation Team Leader to join our dynamic and innovative team at SSCL, driving the transformation of Defence Business Services. ...

Job hidden.

Automation Team Leader

18 February by Sopra Steria

We are recruiting an Automation Team Leader to join our dynamic and innovative team at SSCL, driving the transformation of Defence Business Services. You will be responsible for a team of talented Cloud Infrastructure Engineers, providing technical d...

Job hidden.

Excavator Machine Operator - Civil Engineering

4 February by Acorn by Synergie

We are recruiting a Civil Engineering Excavator Machine Operator for our client Forestry England. Job Title: Excavator Machine Operator (wheeled excavator) Location: Based from Santon Downham, Thetford, Norfolk IP270TJ (Occasional working away requir...

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There are 2 Infrastructure Engineer jobs within 10 miles of Lynford on right now.

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Jobseekers searching for infrastructure engineer jobs also search for it support jobs, it jobs, it infrastructure engineer jobs, and system administrator jobs.

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