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Sales Consultant

3 hrs ago by Sytner Group

Sytner Group are excited to offer a Permanent Sales Consultant role with the potential to make a generous commission. Our Mercedes-Benz Sales Consulta...

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Service Advisor

14 February by Sytner Group

About the role We have an excellent opportunity available for a motivated Service Advisor to join our team at Jaguar Land Rover Bristol. As a Sytner S...

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Parts Advisor

18 February by Sytner Group

About the role Sytner Group is looking for a motivated and committed Parts Advisor to join our team at Mercedes-Benz of Bristol As a Mercedes-Benz Parts Advisor, you will demonstrate a 'One Team' approach, and communicate effectively with both intern...

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Service Workshop Controller

14 February by Sytner Group

Sytner Jaguar Land Rover Bristol, are looking for bright, highly motivated, enthusiastic and experienced Workshop Controller to support the workshop manager in running an efficient and driven workshop. Our ambition is to provide our customers with an...

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Sales Consultant

3 hrs ago by Sytner Group

Sytner Group are excited to offer a Permanent Sales Consultant role with the potential to make a generous commission. Our Mercedes-Benz Sales Consultants really are at the heart of ensuring that we deliver first class customer experiences to every cu...

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Service Advisor

14 February by Sytner Group

About the role We have an excellent opportunity available for a motivated Service Advisor to join our team at Jaguar Land Rover Bristol. As a Sytner Service Advisor, you will provide outstanding customer care and be the vital link between our custome...

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