3 IT Jobs in Condurrow

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IT Field Engineer

24 February by Cerco

Brief Overview of the role: To respond to all incidents and requests as required. To diagnose and fix hardware faults and basic software faults within agreed SLAs, to meet customer needs and expectations. Accountabilities To respond to service ticket...

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2nd Line IT Support Engineer

2nd Line IT Support Engineer - 35,000 Paid for Certifications Role : 2nd Line IT Support Engineer Location : Redruth, Cornwall Salary : 30,000 - 35,000 Benefits Interviewing Immediately - Apply Now Do you fancy working for one of Cornwall's top MSPs?...

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IT Field Engineer

18 February by Cerco

Brief Overview of the role: To respond to all incidents and requests as required. To diagnose and fix hardware faults and basic software faults within agreed SLAs, to meet customer needs and expectations. Accountabilities To respond to service ticket...

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